September 2024 Newsletter

A Note From The Publisher
e-Bikes On Sidewalks & State Parks Expansion Concerns
This month in our Destinites Facebook group at members voiced concerns over two separate issues. First, there is concern about e-bikes on the sidewalks and second, there are concerns about the new proposal from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to add more recreational activities, golf courses and lodging to state parks. Most locals are not happy! If you wish your voice to be heard, write to the governor, the Secretary of FDEP and your state representative.
We will begin with the e-bikes on the sidewalks issue. The person who placed the original post stated: "We are concerned about e-bikes on walking/bike paths. We walk the walking/bike paths along Scenic Gulf Drive most mornings for our exercise. We have had several incidents of being startled by e-bikes flying by at speeds close to 20mph. No warning that they are passing. Today a man staying at Destin RV Park on Miramar Beach Drive blew past (wife) just as she was stopping and turning to say something to me. Terrified her. Almost struck her at an excessive speed for a shared sidewalk. There are signs that state no motorized vehicles are allowed posted on the path. Maybe Walton County Sheriff’s Office would enforce this a bit more aggressively." Other members responded by saying they too, had the same experience. Here are some other comments by members regarding the issue.
1. "E bikes should be on the road. In the bike lane."
2. "This is also the same problem on Airport road as well. I run on that sidewalk in the morning and the electric bikes pass by me at 30mph just a couple inches from me without even moving over. We need signs and tickets for this."
3. "An e-bike hit me (I was stopped at a stop sign and he hit me going at a high rage of speed on the sidewalk) on Legion Dr. last year. I had to pay for the dent removals myself out of pocket so my insurance rates didn't go up. Someone (possibly a child) will end up injured or killed sooner or later."
4. "People just need something to complain about. Walk to the right. I’ll honk and shout “on your left”. If it’s not golf carts it’s joggers, skateboards, scooters etc. How about the lady who wears her roller blades. She’s moving left to right taking up the whole path. Do I complain, no!!! I move around to the grass and pass. That’s her exercise and probably stress relief Mine is my e bike."
5. Response to #4: "The difference is that the lady on rollerblades isn't going 30mph on a sidewalk. I’m not a huge “have a rule for everything” guy but the e-bike situation in town has gotten a little silly."
Now, let's talk about the expansion of the proposal for the state parks made by FDEP. The only ones mentioned on the Panhandle to be affected were Greyton Beach, Topsail Hill Preserve and Camp Helen. They want to further develop state parks, adding pickleball courts, golf courses and other recreational activity spaces and lodging. There were no responses under this post in agreement with the proposal, as of the date this article is being written. Below are some responses from members.
1. "Although the DEP is a separate state agency and not part of the governor’s office, we still need our state and local elected officials to help its citizens and notify them of how we feel about this proposed plan. We as citizens need to exercise our rights to let the DEP as well as our state and local officials know that we are not in favor of converting our state parks into a resort. We need to contact all elected state officials including the governor and let them know we oppose their changes to our beautiful state parks! Those elected officials need to listen to the people who elected them…they need to hear and help the citizens of Florida in letting the DEP know we oppose this plan. We citizens need to show up at that 8/27 meeting at Watercolor and voice our opposition!"
2. "Did they forget what department they work for…Florida’s Environmental Protection coming up with Department of Economic ideas."
3. "All of this disruption to natural parks just for a trend? Outdoor adventurers go to these parks to experience nature, disconnect from the daily routines & ground themselves…not to play pickleball. I can understand their need to expand on the lodging on site but there are ways to manage this problem. Adding, repurposing areas for activities we do as a hobby at home is not necessary. There are plenty of other resorts with this amenity or leave it for when you are at home.
From the FDEP website: "“DEP manages 175 state parks, trails and historic sites as part of its award-winning Florida State Parks system. Through its Florida Coastal Office, DEP also manages 41 aquatic preserves, and along with NOAA, three national estuarine research reserves and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary,”
Personal Message From Patricia:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 10,500+ members.
If you live in Destin proper, you receive a freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Est. 2018 Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Original Newsletter created: December 2021
e-Bikes On Sidewalks & State Parks Expansion Concerns
This month in our Destinites Facebook group at members voiced concerns over two separate issues. First, there is concern about e-bikes on the sidewalks and second, there are concerns about the new proposal from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to add more recreational activities, golf courses and lodging to state parks. Most locals are not happy! If you wish your voice to be heard, write to the governor, the Secretary of FDEP and your state representative.
We will begin with the e-bikes on the sidewalks issue. The person who placed the original post stated: "We are concerned about e-bikes on walking/bike paths. We walk the walking/bike paths along Scenic Gulf Drive most mornings for our exercise. We have had several incidents of being startled by e-bikes flying by at speeds close to 20mph. No warning that they are passing. Today a man staying at Destin RV Park on Miramar Beach Drive blew past (wife) just as she was stopping and turning to say something to me. Terrified her. Almost struck her at an excessive speed for a shared sidewalk. There are signs that state no motorized vehicles are allowed posted on the path. Maybe Walton County Sheriff’s Office would enforce this a bit more aggressively." Other members responded by saying they too, had the same experience. Here are some other comments by members regarding the issue.
1. "E bikes should be on the road. In the bike lane."
2. "This is also the same problem on Airport road as well. I run on that sidewalk in the morning and the electric bikes pass by me at 30mph just a couple inches from me without even moving over. We need signs and tickets for this."
3. "An e-bike hit me (I was stopped at a stop sign and he hit me going at a high rage of speed on the sidewalk) on Legion Dr. last year. I had to pay for the dent removals myself out of pocket so my insurance rates didn't go up. Someone (possibly a child) will end up injured or killed sooner or later."
4. "People just need something to complain about. Walk to the right. I’ll honk and shout “on your left”. If it’s not golf carts it’s joggers, skateboards, scooters etc. How about the lady who wears her roller blades. She’s moving left to right taking up the whole path. Do I complain, no!!! I move around to the grass and pass. That’s her exercise and probably stress relief Mine is my e bike."
5. Response to #4: "The difference is that the lady on rollerblades isn't going 30mph on a sidewalk. I’m not a huge “have a rule for everything” guy but the e-bike situation in town has gotten a little silly."
Now, let's talk about the expansion of the proposal for the state parks made by FDEP. The only ones mentioned on the Panhandle to be affected were Greyton Beach, Topsail Hill Preserve and Camp Helen. They want to further develop state parks, adding pickleball courts, golf courses and other recreational activity spaces and lodging. There were no responses under this post in agreement with the proposal, as of the date this article is being written. Below are some responses from members.
1. "Although the DEP is a separate state agency and not part of the governor’s office, we still need our state and local elected officials to help its citizens and notify them of how we feel about this proposed plan. We as citizens need to exercise our rights to let the DEP as well as our state and local officials know that we are not in favor of converting our state parks into a resort. We need to contact all elected state officials including the governor and let them know we oppose their changes to our beautiful state parks! Those elected officials need to listen to the people who elected them…they need to hear and help the citizens of Florida in letting the DEP know we oppose this plan. We citizens need to show up at that 8/27 meeting at Watercolor and voice our opposition!"
2. "Did they forget what department they work for…Florida’s Environmental Protection coming up with Department of Economic ideas."
3. "All of this disruption to natural parks just for a trend? Outdoor adventurers go to these parks to experience nature, disconnect from the daily routines & ground themselves…not to play pickleball. I can understand their need to expand on the lodging on site but there are ways to manage this problem. Adding, repurposing areas for activities we do as a hobby at home is not necessary. There are plenty of other resorts with this amenity or leave it for when you are at home.
From the FDEP website: "“DEP manages 175 state parks, trails and historic sites as part of its award-winning Florida State Parks system. Through its Florida Coastal Office, DEP also manages 41 aquatic preserves, and along with NOAA, three national estuarine research reserves and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary,”
Personal Message From Patricia:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 10,500+ members.
If you live in Destin proper, you receive a freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Est. 2018 Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Original Newsletter created: December 2021
If you are interested in being a sponsor or article contributor, contact Patricia: [email protected]

Travel & Day Trips Around Florida
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!
Political Pondering:
I wonder what the Presidential political polls would look like if everyone actually researched what one candidate said about the other? Amazing the difference it can make to find out the actual truth. Candidates can sound so sincere and be very convincing. It is so easy to just believe the one you like the best. You might be surprised what you find out, if you actually do your own research. With elections around the corner now is the time to do your homework!

The Dirty Dozen:
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Written By: Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay-HealthyLife
The Dirty Dozen
It sounds like a western. However, these don’t carry guns, ride horses or fight outlaws. These dirty dozen do, however, have an effect on our health.
Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases its Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list. This list is based on thorough testing of many fruits and vegetables. For 2024, here are a few results from EWG (
More than 90% of samples of strawberries, apples, cherries, spinach, nectarines and grapes tested positive for residues of two or more pesticides. A total of 209 pesticides were found. There are 13-23 pesticides in at least one sample of each item tested.
More than 50 different pesticides were detected on every type of crop on the list except cherries (part of the dirty dozen).
Some of these pesticides and chemicals can be linked to cancer, reproductive damage and are also banned in Europe and the European Union.
In order of toxicity, the Dirty Dozen items are:
Kale, collard and mustard greens
Bell and Hot peppers
Green Beans (tested positive for a pesticide the EPA banned over 10 years ago)
The Clean 15 have the lowest counts of these residues:Carrots
Sweet Potatoes
Honeydew melon
Sweet peas (frozen)
Papaya (Can be produced from genetically modified seeds)
Sweet Corn (Can be produced from genetically modified seeds)
With the dirty dozen, buying organic should be our first choice. We can also find alternatives like blackberries, oranges, bananas, etc. It doesn’t mean these are totally clean, but their testing results places them in between the dirty and the clean.
The small label on produce tells us how it was grown. A 4-digit code beginning with a 3 or 4 is conventionally grown. The 5-digit code starting with 9 is organic and the 5 digit code starting with 8 is genetically modified.
There is also a new label showing up on fruits and vegetables: Apeel touts itself as natural and safe; a plant-derived food additive. It creates a thin layer or skin on the vegetable and cannot be washed off. The description is a food additive, mono and diglycerides, by-products of fat and oil processing, classified as ‘emulsifiers’ and contain trans fats.
If you’d like to take a deep dive, is a good place to start. As we start making changes, buying more organic of certain items, the stores will take notice and offer more organic options. I understand, especially in today’s world, paying more for organic can be a hard choice. Focus on the clean 15 and substitutions. It’s about starting new habits and making wise choices.
Here’s to Health!
HealthyDay Healthy Life
[email protected]
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Written By: Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay-HealthyLife
The Dirty Dozen
It sounds like a western. However, these don’t carry guns, ride horses or fight outlaws. These dirty dozen do, however, have an effect on our health.
Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases its Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list. This list is based on thorough testing of many fruits and vegetables. For 2024, here are a few results from EWG (
More than 90% of samples of strawberries, apples, cherries, spinach, nectarines and grapes tested positive for residues of two or more pesticides. A total of 209 pesticides were found. There are 13-23 pesticides in at least one sample of each item tested.
More than 50 different pesticides were detected on every type of crop on the list except cherries (part of the dirty dozen).
Some of these pesticides and chemicals can be linked to cancer, reproductive damage and are also banned in Europe and the European Union.
In order of toxicity, the Dirty Dozen items are:
Kale, collard and mustard greens
Bell and Hot peppers
Green Beans (tested positive for a pesticide the EPA banned over 10 years ago)
The Clean 15 have the lowest counts of these residues:Carrots
Sweet Potatoes
Honeydew melon
Sweet peas (frozen)
Papaya (Can be produced from genetically modified seeds)
Sweet Corn (Can be produced from genetically modified seeds)
With the dirty dozen, buying organic should be our first choice. We can also find alternatives like blackberries, oranges, bananas, etc. It doesn’t mean these are totally clean, but their testing results places them in between the dirty and the clean.
The small label on produce tells us how it was grown. A 4-digit code beginning with a 3 or 4 is conventionally grown. The 5-digit code starting with 9 is organic and the 5 digit code starting with 8 is genetically modified.
There is also a new label showing up on fruits and vegetables: Apeel touts itself as natural and safe; a plant-derived food additive. It creates a thin layer or skin on the vegetable and cannot be washed off. The description is a food additive, mono and diglycerides, by-products of fat and oil processing, classified as ‘emulsifiers’ and contain trans fats.
If you’d like to take a deep dive, is a good place to start. As we start making changes, buying more organic of certain items, the stores will take notice and offer more organic options. I understand, especially in today’s world, paying more for organic can be a hard choice. Focus on the clean 15 and substitutions. It’s about starting new habits and making wise choices.
Here’s to Health!
HealthyDay Healthy Life
[email protected]

September Home Maintenance List:
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
Keeping Your Destin Home in Tip Top Shape!
Hey there, fellow homeowners of Destin! Can you believe that September is already knocking on our doors? As your friendly neighborhood handyman, I'm here to remind you that it's that time of the year when we transition from summer to the slightly cooler months.
Here are some of our tips to keep your homes cozy and ready to face the changing seasons.
Keep Your Cool (and Warm): HVAC Love
Alright, let's talk about your Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Systems! Before the southern weather decides to surprise us with a sudden chill, it's wise to get your HVAC system checked. You don't want to find yourself shivering when you should be cozy or sweating when you're supposed to be comfortable. Give those systems a little TLC – a tune-up, filter change, and overall checkup can work wonders. Your HVAC system will thank you with consistent temperatures all season long! In Florida, we suggest you have your system checked twice a year. Most companies will offer you a discount if you sign up for their regularly scheduled bi-annual maintenance inspection plan.
Toasty Nights Ahead: The Annual Fireplace and Chimney Checkup
Picture this: a crisp cool night, a crackling fireplace, and a favorite drink in hand – perfection, right? But before you light the season’s first fire, give your fireplace and chimney some attention. Schedule your annual inspection to ensure everything is in tip-top shape. A chimney sweep and a thorough check will prevent any unwanted surprises (like, well, smoke filling your living room). Safety first, my friends!
Roof Roam: Hunting for Damaged or Missing Shingles
Roof issues might not be the most exciting topic, but trust me, they're worth addressing. September and October are great times to get up there and inspect for damaged or missing shingles. Our sunny Florida days might make the shingles weary over time. Catching these issues early after our hurricane season can save you from leaks and potential interior damage down the road. So, grab your ladder, put on your detective hat, and ensure your roof is as strong as ever. Or call your favorite, trusted roofing contractor.
Clear the Air – Bathroom Fans and Baseboard Paint
Let's switch gears to the smaller yet equally important tasks. Those bathroom exhaust fans – you know, the unsung heroes that whisk away steam and keep your bathrooms from turning into saunas. Give them a thorough cleaning because nobody likes dust and grime clogging up the works. Since you are in the dust bunny cleaning mode, check out your ceiling fan blades too. And while you're at it, why not give your baseboards a fresh coat of paint? It's like giving your home a mini facelift.
A Little September TLC Goes a Long Way!
There you have it, folks – your September home maintenance checklist. Taking care of these tasks might not be as fun as a day at the beach, but they're essential for keeping your home in tip-top shape. Think of it as a way to show your home some love in return for all the comfort it provides you. Plus, tackling these tasks now means you can fully enjoy those upcoming cozy evenings without any worries.
As always, there is no shame in asking for help!! And, frankly, depending on your age, you shouldn’t be on a ladder!! There all sorts of quality business in the Destinites Directory who would love to help!
Happy Fall Y’all!!
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
Keeping Your Destin Home in Tip Top Shape!
Hey there, fellow homeowners of Destin! Can you believe that September is already knocking on our doors? As your friendly neighborhood handyman, I'm here to remind you that it's that time of the year when we transition from summer to the slightly cooler months.
Here are some of our tips to keep your homes cozy and ready to face the changing seasons.
Keep Your Cool (and Warm): HVAC Love
Alright, let's talk about your Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Systems! Before the southern weather decides to surprise us with a sudden chill, it's wise to get your HVAC system checked. You don't want to find yourself shivering when you should be cozy or sweating when you're supposed to be comfortable. Give those systems a little TLC – a tune-up, filter change, and overall checkup can work wonders. Your HVAC system will thank you with consistent temperatures all season long! In Florida, we suggest you have your system checked twice a year. Most companies will offer you a discount if you sign up for their regularly scheduled bi-annual maintenance inspection plan.
Toasty Nights Ahead: The Annual Fireplace and Chimney Checkup
Picture this: a crisp cool night, a crackling fireplace, and a favorite drink in hand – perfection, right? But before you light the season’s first fire, give your fireplace and chimney some attention. Schedule your annual inspection to ensure everything is in tip-top shape. A chimney sweep and a thorough check will prevent any unwanted surprises (like, well, smoke filling your living room). Safety first, my friends!
Roof Roam: Hunting for Damaged or Missing Shingles
Roof issues might not be the most exciting topic, but trust me, they're worth addressing. September and October are great times to get up there and inspect for damaged or missing shingles. Our sunny Florida days might make the shingles weary over time. Catching these issues early after our hurricane season can save you from leaks and potential interior damage down the road. So, grab your ladder, put on your detective hat, and ensure your roof is as strong as ever. Or call your favorite, trusted roofing contractor.
Clear the Air – Bathroom Fans and Baseboard Paint
Let's switch gears to the smaller yet equally important tasks. Those bathroom exhaust fans – you know, the unsung heroes that whisk away steam and keep your bathrooms from turning into saunas. Give them a thorough cleaning because nobody likes dust and grime clogging up the works. Since you are in the dust bunny cleaning mode, check out your ceiling fan blades too. And while you're at it, why not give your baseboards a fresh coat of paint? It's like giving your home a mini facelift.
A Little September TLC Goes a Long Way!
There you have it, folks – your September home maintenance checklist. Taking care of these tasks might not be as fun as a day at the beach, but they're essential for keeping your home in tip-top shape. Think of it as a way to show your home some love in return for all the comfort it provides you. Plus, tackling these tasks now means you can fully enjoy those upcoming cozy evenings without any worries.
As always, there is no shame in asking for help!! And, frankly, depending on your age, you shouldn’t be on a ladder!! There all sorts of quality business in the Destinites Directory who would love to help!
Happy Fall Y’all!!

Do You Over Decorate:
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Now is the time....
to schedule your remodel. The holidays will be here before you know it! If you’re dreaming of hosting Thanksgiving Dinner or a Holiday Party you need to start planning now. It takes time to draft your design plan,
interview and hire contractors and most importantly get your job booked on their work calendar.
Interior Designers are not only vital in helping you plan a functional space that will provide maximize usage of the room; they can also help you avoid costly mistakes, potentially saving you money. Most interior designers have worked with many different trades and can provide referrals for contractors, electricians, plumbers, painters, cabinet and flooring companies, etc. Your designer can help you conduct interviews, review contracts, help you negotiate costs and define a timeline that works for
A successful project is based on who you hire, your overall design plan and clear communication throughout the project. These are key factors that help lead to a completed project that YOU will be proud of. Coastal Design by Kim is a full-service interior design company. Regardless of the size of your project, our team can help YOU bring beautiful, functional
designs to life. Contact us at (850) 904-6622. You can visit our website at
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Now is the time....
to schedule your remodel. The holidays will be here before you know it! If you’re dreaming of hosting Thanksgiving Dinner or a Holiday Party you need to start planning now. It takes time to draft your design plan,
interview and hire contractors and most importantly get your job booked on their work calendar.
Interior Designers are not only vital in helping you plan a functional space that will provide maximize usage of the room; they can also help you avoid costly mistakes, potentially saving you money. Most interior designers have worked with many different trades and can provide referrals for contractors, electricians, plumbers, painters, cabinet and flooring companies, etc. Your designer can help you conduct interviews, review contracts, help you negotiate costs and define a timeline that works for
A successful project is based on who you hire, your overall design plan and clear communication throughout the project. These are key factors that help lead to a completed project that YOU will be proud of. Coastal Design by Kim is a full-service interior design company. Regardless of the size of your project, our team can help YOU bring beautiful, functional
designs to life. Contact us at (850) 904-6622. You can visit our website at

True Crime Sleuths: A Force for Good:
Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent and Criminal Profiler Michael Yoder is available
for consultations on cold case homicides and lectures on topics related to homicide
investigations. Special interest groups – both large and small can reach Michael Yoder
at [email protected]
I used to dislike and distrust true crime sleuths. Having come from law enforcement (FBI) where we are taught to keep information close to the chest, I felt true crime sleuths were bothersome at best. They took in gossip as facts, they were misguided and uninformed and had no clue what the requirements were to conduct a homicide investigation. At worst, they formed opinions based on group-think or mob rule where the loudest person thought they were the most correct. They interfered and became obstacles for investigators to do their jobs. Most law enforcement felt the same.
Then I read the book I’ll Be Gone In The Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara. To describe Michelle, I think it’s best to say what she was not. She was never in law enforcement nor had any police training. She did not have an advanced degree in Criminal Justice, Criminology or Forensic Science. She had no family or friend connections to the victims of the offender. But she was a wife, mother and a curious woman with a passion for true-crime and journalism. McNamara launched a website and connected with other true crime fanatics where she learned of an unsolved case of a serial rapist called the East Area Rapist (EAR). He was also called the Visalia Ransacker and the Original Night Stalker (ONS). This EAR/ONS rapist was attributed to over 50 rapes over a ten-year period in the northern California area. It was Michelle McNamara, decades later, who tracked his crimes and linked the rapist to sadistic murders in southern California.
In 2013 and 2014, she penned articles about her discoveries and coined the moniker Golden State Killer. She gained the attention of the cold case investigator, Paul Holes, who was working on the homicides of the Golden State Killer. They partnered up to pursue the identity of this killer, and Michelle signed a book deal to chronicle her journey of investigating an offender who committed at least 51 rapes, 13 sadistic murders and more than 120 burglaries over a 12- year period (1974-1986). One of the unique aspects of this investigation, with Michelle’s dogged persistence, was the application of family genealogical sites to check their databases for a DNA match.
Sadly, Michelle suffered from anxiety and illegally purchased prescription drugs many believe were laced with Fentanyl. She died in 2016 after finishing two-thirds of the book. Her true crime colleagues, Paul Haynes and Billy Jensen used her notes to finish it. Published in 2017, I’ll Be Gone In The Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara reached number two on the New York Times Best Seller list. Detective Holes continued his investigation and, with the use of familial DNA, identified Joseph James D’Angelo as the Golden State Killer. He was arrested on April 24, 2018. He pled guilty after
confessing to multiple counts of kidnapping and murder and was sentenced to life in prison. He was 75 years old. In the book I’ll Be Gone In the Dark, Detective Holes said that he considered Michelle to be his “detective partner on the case”. Michelle was able to gain the trust of the entire task force and “proved herself as a natural investigator, adding value with her own insights and tenacity”.
Michelle had a passion for justice that bordered on obsession. Yet she respected law enforcement and worked to collaborate with not only law enforcement but with civilian genealogy companies to pursue justice to victims who no longer had a voice. The purity of her intentions were her hallmark.
When I founded the Destin True Crime Club, I sought to instill the same values. I wanted to use my law enforcement experience in homicide investigations to teach civilians who want to become true crime sleuths. We would pursue justice together, not for personal gain or reward but to help victims and their surviving family members gain closure. That is our goal. We have just reached our one-year anniversary. And we have just closed a case and presented our theories and perspectives to the lead detective. And we have given a level of solace to the victim’s sister. We are making a difference for GOOD.
No matter your background, do you want to get involved and learn to become a good true crime sleuth? If so, come join us! We meet at Elite Cabinet Designs located at 11714 Emerald Coast Parkway (Highway 98), Miramar Beach. It’s on the corner of Highway 98 and Forest Shore drive (across from Seascape). Elite Cabinet Designs is a private company owned by one of our members who has generously donated the use of this meeting space. The next club meeting is September 19th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. In addition to the monthly meetings, I also conduct monthly Homicide Investigations Training for Civilian Sleuths. The next HIT-CS will be on September 5th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, This Masterclass training series is to learn about homicide investigation concepts and the training is geared toward civilians with no prior training in police investigations. You can also join us on FaceBook at Destin True Crime Club. We use the FaceBook site to discuss REAL unsolved cases and it is where we add our collective knowledge of those cases.
Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent and Criminal Profiler Michael Yoder is available
for consultations on cold case homicides and lectures on topics related to homicide
investigations. Special interest groups – both large and small can reach Michael Yoder
at [email protected]
I used to dislike and distrust true crime sleuths. Having come from law enforcement (FBI) where we are taught to keep information close to the chest, I felt true crime sleuths were bothersome at best. They took in gossip as facts, they were misguided and uninformed and had no clue what the requirements were to conduct a homicide investigation. At worst, they formed opinions based on group-think or mob rule where the loudest person thought they were the most correct. They interfered and became obstacles for investigators to do their jobs. Most law enforcement felt the same.
Then I read the book I’ll Be Gone In The Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara. To describe Michelle, I think it’s best to say what she was not. She was never in law enforcement nor had any police training. She did not have an advanced degree in Criminal Justice, Criminology or Forensic Science. She had no family or friend connections to the victims of the offender. But she was a wife, mother and a curious woman with a passion for true-crime and journalism. McNamara launched a website and connected with other true crime fanatics where she learned of an unsolved case of a serial rapist called the East Area Rapist (EAR). He was also called the Visalia Ransacker and the Original Night Stalker (ONS). This EAR/ONS rapist was attributed to over 50 rapes over a ten-year period in the northern California area. It was Michelle McNamara, decades later, who tracked his crimes and linked the rapist to sadistic murders in southern California.
In 2013 and 2014, she penned articles about her discoveries and coined the moniker Golden State Killer. She gained the attention of the cold case investigator, Paul Holes, who was working on the homicides of the Golden State Killer. They partnered up to pursue the identity of this killer, and Michelle signed a book deal to chronicle her journey of investigating an offender who committed at least 51 rapes, 13 sadistic murders and more than 120 burglaries over a 12- year period (1974-1986). One of the unique aspects of this investigation, with Michelle’s dogged persistence, was the application of family genealogical sites to check their databases for a DNA match.
Sadly, Michelle suffered from anxiety and illegally purchased prescription drugs many believe were laced with Fentanyl. She died in 2016 after finishing two-thirds of the book. Her true crime colleagues, Paul Haynes and Billy Jensen used her notes to finish it. Published in 2017, I’ll Be Gone In The Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara reached number two on the New York Times Best Seller list. Detective Holes continued his investigation and, with the use of familial DNA, identified Joseph James D’Angelo as the Golden State Killer. He was arrested on April 24, 2018. He pled guilty after
confessing to multiple counts of kidnapping and murder and was sentenced to life in prison. He was 75 years old. In the book I’ll Be Gone In the Dark, Detective Holes said that he considered Michelle to be his “detective partner on the case”. Michelle was able to gain the trust of the entire task force and “proved herself as a natural investigator, adding value with her own insights and tenacity”.
Michelle had a passion for justice that bordered on obsession. Yet she respected law enforcement and worked to collaborate with not only law enforcement but with civilian genealogy companies to pursue justice to victims who no longer had a voice. The purity of her intentions were her hallmark.
When I founded the Destin True Crime Club, I sought to instill the same values. I wanted to use my law enforcement experience in homicide investigations to teach civilians who want to become true crime sleuths. We would pursue justice together, not for personal gain or reward but to help victims and their surviving family members gain closure. That is our goal. We have just reached our one-year anniversary. And we have just closed a case and presented our theories and perspectives to the lead detective. And we have given a level of solace to the victim’s sister. We are making a difference for GOOD.
No matter your background, do you want to get involved and learn to become a good true crime sleuth? If so, come join us! We meet at Elite Cabinet Designs located at 11714 Emerald Coast Parkway (Highway 98), Miramar Beach. It’s on the corner of Highway 98 and Forest Shore drive (across from Seascape). Elite Cabinet Designs is a private company owned by one of our members who has generously donated the use of this meeting space. The next club meeting is September 19th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. In addition to the monthly meetings, I also conduct monthly Homicide Investigations Training for Civilian Sleuths. The next HIT-CS will be on September 5th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, This Masterclass training series is to learn about homicide investigation concepts and the training is geared toward civilians with no prior training in police investigations. You can also join us on FaceBook at Destin True Crime Club. We use the FaceBook site to discuss REAL unsolved cases and it is where we add our collective knowledge of those cases.

Volunteer Opportunites: Posted from the Destin City website at Volunteer Opportunities | Destin, FL - Official Website (
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Okaloosa County Master Gardeners: Facebook page
If you want to know what to plant and when, check out this Planting calendar on the OCMGA website. |

Christian Corner: by Patricia Lee
In Matthew 20:25-28
"Jesus tells His disciples that leaders should not exercise authority over people. Instead, whoever wants to become great must lower himself to be a servant. Leaders realize that serving others is the only way to lead with a pure heart, free of pride and arrogance."
As we are a couple of months away from elections for our country, leadership rolls and responsibilities come to mind with this passage. The poster above certainly does apply to any type of leadership position though, even that of a Facebook group creator/admin/moderator. When you play a leadership role you have to accept the fact that you stay in the hot seat and are constantly being judged. Stay true to your morals and values. Be careful of the wolves in sheep's clothing who try to influence your management decisions to suit their own personal agenda.
In Matthew 20:25-28
"Jesus tells His disciples that leaders should not exercise authority over people. Instead, whoever wants to become great must lower himself to be a servant. Leaders realize that serving others is the only way to lead with a pure heart, free of pride and arrogance."
As we are a couple of months away from elections for our country, leadership rolls and responsibilities come to mind with this passage. The poster above certainly does apply to any type of leadership position though, even that of a Facebook group creator/admin/moderator. When you play a leadership role you have to accept the fact that you stay in the hot seat and are constantly being judged. Stay true to your morals and values. Be careful of the wolves in sheep's clothing who try to influence your management decisions to suit their own personal agenda.

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Website Est. 2018
Newsletter Est. Dec. 2021