*In Okaloosa County, animals are prohibited in "county" parks, beaches and other recreational areas with the exception of service animals or K9 units. Locals may purchase a permit to be on the beach with their dogs during specified hours. Check with the city or county for updated information.
*Do not allow your dog to drink the gulf water. When a dog ingests salt water, the excess salt draws water from the blood into the intestines, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Salt water also disrupts the fluid balance in your dog. Dogs with toxic levels of sodium in their systems have a mortality rate higher than 50 percent, regardless of treatment. Always bring plenty of clean water for your dog to drink when visiting beaches that do allow dogs.
*Dogs release heat not only through panting but also through their paws. Footies on your dog may look cute but can be miserable for them, under certain circumstances. The normal range we typically see in a dog is between 99.5°F- 102.5°F, thus they have a higher body temperature than humans.
Here are some dog parks in Destin or surrounding areas:
*Do not allow your dog to drink the gulf water. When a dog ingests salt water, the excess salt draws water from the blood into the intestines, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Salt water also disrupts the fluid balance in your dog. Dogs with toxic levels of sodium in their systems have a mortality rate higher than 50 percent, regardless of treatment. Always bring plenty of clean water for your dog to drink when visiting beaches that do allow dogs.
*Dogs release heat not only through panting but also through their paws. Footies on your dog may look cute but can be miserable for them, under certain circumstances. The normal range we typically see in a dog is between 99.5°F- 102.5°F, thus they have a higher body temperature than humans.
Here are some dog parks in Destin or surrounding areas: