June 2022 Newsletter

From The Publisher:
Here is what you may not know about sugar. Cancer feeds on it like fish going after bait. I first discovered this 15 years ago when being diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer. I was scheduled for a P.E.T. scan and stopped by their office to pick up my instructions for preparing. I was handed a diet sheet with meal plans and told I had to be completely sugar free for 24 hours. I was told that I would be given glucose the morning of the test and because of the fact that my body will have been starved of sugar, it would cause the glucose to rush to any hot spots thus, showing up on the test. They were trying to determine if the cancer had spread. It took me about 2 seconds to figure out that if I wanted to help myself go into remission, then I needed to omit sugar from my lifestyle. Since cancer feeds on sugar, I certainly didn't want to give it any. I won't sit here and tell you that I let it rule my world but I did make some major changes in my eating and drinking habits. I did my research regarding sugar, as it relates to cancer and I advise you to do the same, as well as, discuss it with your own personal physician.
Myth: So many times I hear people use the phrase "good" sugar but that comment is misleading. For example, fruit is good for you but the sugar in it is not and no, it doesn't matter that it is natural sugar. Sugar is sugar and if you are diabetic, then you understand this message . It's a fact that our bodies don't need sugar to survive and we can live without it but it's surely not easy to do.
Artificial Sweeteners: Do your homework and discuss it with your physician. For what it's worth, my Oncologist advised me to stay away from them for a variety of reasons.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and you should discuss any and all health or diet decisions with a medical physician.
Patricia Lee, Owner: www.Destinites.com - Creator: www.Facebook.com/groups/Destinites
[email protected]
Here is what you may not know about sugar. Cancer feeds on it like fish going after bait. I first discovered this 15 years ago when being diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer. I was scheduled for a P.E.T. scan and stopped by their office to pick up my instructions for preparing. I was handed a diet sheet with meal plans and told I had to be completely sugar free for 24 hours. I was told that I would be given glucose the morning of the test and because of the fact that my body will have been starved of sugar, it would cause the glucose to rush to any hot spots thus, showing up on the test. They were trying to determine if the cancer had spread. It took me about 2 seconds to figure out that if I wanted to help myself go into remission, then I needed to omit sugar from my lifestyle. Since cancer feeds on sugar, I certainly didn't want to give it any. I won't sit here and tell you that I let it rule my world but I did make some major changes in my eating and drinking habits. I did my research regarding sugar, as it relates to cancer and I advise you to do the same, as well as, discuss it with your own personal physician.
Myth: So many times I hear people use the phrase "good" sugar but that comment is misleading. For example, fruit is good for you but the sugar in it is not and no, it doesn't matter that it is natural sugar. Sugar is sugar and if you are diabetic, then you understand this message . It's a fact that our bodies don't need sugar to survive and we can live without it but it's surely not easy to do.
Artificial Sweeteners: Do your homework and discuss it with your physician. For what it's worth, my Oncologist advised me to stay away from them for a variety of reasons.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and you should discuss any and all health or diet decisions with a medical physician.
Patricia Lee, Owner: www.Destinites.com - Creator: www.Facebook.com/groups/Destinites
[email protected]
*** If you are interested in being a sponsor or article contributor, contact Patricia Lee: [email protected]

The Flavor Of A Blessed City: By Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
It’s no coincidence we live in Destin and, I believe, we live here for a purpose. Have you ever questioned why Destin is known as the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village?”
Could it be that each year, we have the opportunity to bless our city, its citizens, our Harbor, businesses, residents, youth and much more, which results in favor for our part of the world? Though there are many legendary stories of big catches and heroic fishing from the Destin Harbor, there are still those rough times—times when hope is dim and times are tough. But, for many captains in Destin’s fishing fleet, their success doesn’t ride on luck—it rides on prayer. Destin fisherman, locals and area professionals will tell you success has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with blessings. That is what makes continuing the “blessing” tradition so special. Challenging circumstances remind us just how dependent we are on the bestowment of blessings.
One BIG way we do this is through Destin’s Week of Blessings. More than a half century ago, Destin’s Immanuel Anglican Church began blessing then a tiny fleet of perhaps four to five boats. From this handful of small boats, the fleet has grown and prospered into the largest fishing fleet in North America, with more than 125 charter-fishing boats. The impact has been far reaching says Captain Mike Parker. “Who knew a small little city like Destin would influence towns overseas in Australia and New Zealand, as well as closer ones like Sebring, Florida? But it has, and I’m sure, will continue,” he says.
Captain Mike has been involved in the annual Blessing of the Fleet since he moved to the area years ago and was asked to pray, along with other clergy, during the ceremony. “Several pastors make up the ‘Church of Destin’ formed a few years ago as a symbol of unity, crossing denominational barriers,” says Captain Mike. “Where there is unity, there is blessing,” he says.”
And as the Blessing of the Fleet grew, so did the hundreds of people, families and businesses in the area who also wanted to be blessed. And before you knew it, the vision expanded into a full “Week of Blessings.” That’s how the Blessing of the Marketplace was born, enabling the “blessing” to impact further to other locals, professionals and visitors, too.
Hundreds of business owners, first responders, industry leaders and representatives gathered this year on May 25th during the Blessing of the Marketplace at Destin United Methodist Church. Local pastors from various churches representing the collective “Church of Destin” prayed over people and professionals in our community. “This is truly a unique and special time that the city of Destin and surrounding communities share—to pray for one another and receive blessings,” says Captain Mike. “You’re not going to get that just anywhere.”
Destin’s 65th Annual Blessing of the Fleet was held on Ascension Day, May 26th, at the docks behind Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer Restaurant on the Destin Harbor. The event consisted of a Captains’ Worship and Prayer Service held under a large tent for the public. Following the service, local clergy will process to the dock to begin blessing those vessels which have pre-registered. Commercial fishing, safety and recreational vessels that make their living on the sea participated, roughly 135 fishing boats and vessels were blessed. There was also a community fish fry.
Many community sponsors help make the Blessing of the Fleet possible. Special thanks go to Aerial Seafood and Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer restaurant for making the fish fry possible. Thanks to the City of Destin, free parking was available.
For more information on the Blessing of the Fleet, visit iacdestin.org/special-events/blessing-of-the-fleet, contact Immanuel Anglican Church at [email protected] or 850-837-6324 and make plans for next year!
Never doubt your prayers on behalf of our coveted city are to no avail. We have and continue to witness the blessing of favor in our small paradise. Could it be that Destin has been dubbed the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village” because, simply, it is SO “blessed?”
It’s no coincidence we live in Destin and, I believe, we live here for a purpose. Have you ever questioned why Destin is known as the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village?”
Could it be that each year, we have the opportunity to bless our city, its citizens, our Harbor, businesses, residents, youth and much more, which results in favor for our part of the world? Though there are many legendary stories of big catches and heroic fishing from the Destin Harbor, there are still those rough times—times when hope is dim and times are tough. But, for many captains in Destin’s fishing fleet, their success doesn’t ride on luck—it rides on prayer. Destin fisherman, locals and area professionals will tell you success has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with blessings. That is what makes continuing the “blessing” tradition so special. Challenging circumstances remind us just how dependent we are on the bestowment of blessings.
One BIG way we do this is through Destin’s Week of Blessings. More than a half century ago, Destin’s Immanuel Anglican Church began blessing then a tiny fleet of perhaps four to five boats. From this handful of small boats, the fleet has grown and prospered into the largest fishing fleet in North America, with more than 125 charter-fishing boats. The impact has been far reaching says Captain Mike Parker. “Who knew a small little city like Destin would influence towns overseas in Australia and New Zealand, as well as closer ones like Sebring, Florida? But it has, and I’m sure, will continue,” he says.
Captain Mike has been involved in the annual Blessing of the Fleet since he moved to the area years ago and was asked to pray, along with other clergy, during the ceremony. “Several pastors make up the ‘Church of Destin’ formed a few years ago as a symbol of unity, crossing denominational barriers,” says Captain Mike. “Where there is unity, there is blessing,” he says.”
And as the Blessing of the Fleet grew, so did the hundreds of people, families and businesses in the area who also wanted to be blessed. And before you knew it, the vision expanded into a full “Week of Blessings.” That’s how the Blessing of the Marketplace was born, enabling the “blessing” to impact further to other locals, professionals and visitors, too.
Hundreds of business owners, first responders, industry leaders and representatives gathered this year on May 25th during the Blessing of the Marketplace at Destin United Methodist Church. Local pastors from various churches representing the collective “Church of Destin” prayed over people and professionals in our community. “This is truly a unique and special time that the city of Destin and surrounding communities share—to pray for one another and receive blessings,” says Captain Mike. “You’re not going to get that just anywhere.”
Destin’s 65th Annual Blessing of the Fleet was held on Ascension Day, May 26th, at the docks behind Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer Restaurant on the Destin Harbor. The event consisted of a Captains’ Worship and Prayer Service held under a large tent for the public. Following the service, local clergy will process to the dock to begin blessing those vessels which have pre-registered. Commercial fishing, safety and recreational vessels that make their living on the sea participated, roughly 135 fishing boats and vessels were blessed. There was also a community fish fry.
Many community sponsors help make the Blessing of the Fleet possible. Special thanks go to Aerial Seafood and Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer restaurant for making the fish fry possible. Thanks to the City of Destin, free parking was available.
For more information on the Blessing of the Fleet, visit iacdestin.org/special-events/blessing-of-the-fleet, contact Immanuel Anglican Church at [email protected] or 850-837-6324 and make plans for next year!
Never doubt your prayers on behalf of our coveted city are to no avail. We have and continue to witness the blessing of favor in our small paradise. Could it be that Destin has been dubbed the “World’s Luckiest Fishing Village” because, simply, it is SO “blessed?”

Destinite Spotlight: by Patricia Lee
Let me introduce you to Wendi Townsend because there is more to her than meets the eye. Not only is she a successful real estate agent but she also heads up volunteer groups for beach clean up. Thanks to her and others who volunteer, everyone can enjoy safe and beautiful beaches. Wendi is known for addressing us all as, "Hello Sunshines!" and you can hear her say that on any of her videos she shares when going on her morning beach walks or other places around the area. She loves to share with everyone the wonderful sights she encounters here in our little paradise. She also enjoys a little gardening. Whew, where DOES she find the time? Wendi is a cherished member of our community and we appreciate her efforts. If you would like to connect with her, just go to this link https://www.sanddunesrealestate.com/agent/wendi-townsend/ By the way, if you are a new resident, in the Destin area, volunteering for a beach clean up group is a great way to meet some very fine locals.
Let me introduce you to Wendi Townsend because there is more to her than meets the eye. Not only is she a successful real estate agent but she also heads up volunteer groups for beach clean up. Thanks to her and others who volunteer, everyone can enjoy safe and beautiful beaches. Wendi is known for addressing us all as, "Hello Sunshines!" and you can hear her say that on any of her videos she shares when going on her morning beach walks or other places around the area. She loves to share with everyone the wonderful sights she encounters here in our little paradise. She also enjoys a little gardening. Whew, where DOES she find the time? Wendi is a cherished member of our community and we appreciate her efforts. If you would like to connect with her, just go to this link https://www.sanddunesrealestate.com/agent/wendi-townsend/ By the way, if you are a new resident, in the Destin area, volunteering for a beach clean up group is a great way to meet some very fine locals.

Our June Business Spotlight - Hand and Stone Spa - by Owner: Eileen Reilly
Your Journey to Relaxation and Restoration Awaits at The Destin, FL Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa. We have all experienced a lot of changes to our daily lives over the last year, but Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa in Destin is here for you. More than just a relaxing, luxury – massage reduces pain, melts away stress and can contribute to improved overall wellness. Additionally, regular skin care treatments, which can treat anti-aging and acne concerns can contribute to improved mood and confidence. Both massage and facial services offer various opportunities for self-care, depending on your needs.
Our signature services at Hand & Stone include a Swedish Massage, Classic Facial and Hot Stone Massage, all available for first-time customers to try at our low Introductory rate! We also offer enhanced services ranging from Himalayan Salt Massage or Decompression Therapy (also known as cupping); and Dermalinfusion, an exceptional facial upgrade that is great for all skin types and popular with microdermabrasion customers.
Incorporating a monthly massage or facial is easy and affordable with our Lifestyle Membership Program. With our Membership, you can make self-care a habit with a 1-hour massage or facial service every month. Plus, you will receive additional benefits such as discounted retail and gift card purchases. Is getting a service safe? Yes, the health and safety of guests and staff is a top priority. Hand & Stone has implemented comprehensive COVID-19 safety measures, including temperature checks, face masks, staff training on illness prevention, rigorous sanitation protocols, and more.
We have consulted with experts in healthcare, infectious disease, massage therapy, and esthetics to ensure we are taking the right measures to ensure safety without sacrificing your relaxation or our employee’s well-being.
You know that massage therapy can help relieve tension in your muscles and connective tissues, increase blood flow and promote relaxation. What you may not have known, however, is that massage therapy has been found to help relieve the physical symptoms associated with depression and anxiety such as headache, insomnia, and widespread muscle pain.
For facial fans, how we feel about ourselves is so important to our mental health and a regular facial not only relieves tension but helps improve physical appearance – when we look better, we feel better. The experienced staff at Hand & Stone will help you feel at ease.
Your Journey to Relaxation and Restoration Awaits at The Destin, FL Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa. We have all experienced a lot of changes to our daily lives over the last year, but Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa in Destin is here for you. More than just a relaxing, luxury – massage reduces pain, melts away stress and can contribute to improved overall wellness. Additionally, regular skin care treatments, which can treat anti-aging and acne concerns can contribute to improved mood and confidence. Both massage and facial services offer various opportunities for self-care, depending on your needs.
Our signature services at Hand & Stone include a Swedish Massage, Classic Facial and Hot Stone Massage, all available for first-time customers to try at our low Introductory rate! We also offer enhanced services ranging from Himalayan Salt Massage or Decompression Therapy (also known as cupping); and Dermalinfusion, an exceptional facial upgrade that is great for all skin types and popular with microdermabrasion customers.
Incorporating a monthly massage or facial is easy and affordable with our Lifestyle Membership Program. With our Membership, you can make self-care a habit with a 1-hour massage or facial service every month. Plus, you will receive additional benefits such as discounted retail and gift card purchases. Is getting a service safe? Yes, the health and safety of guests and staff is a top priority. Hand & Stone has implemented comprehensive COVID-19 safety measures, including temperature checks, face masks, staff training on illness prevention, rigorous sanitation protocols, and more.
We have consulted with experts in healthcare, infectious disease, massage therapy, and esthetics to ensure we are taking the right measures to ensure safety without sacrificing your relaxation or our employee’s well-being.
You know that massage therapy can help relieve tension in your muscles and connective tissues, increase blood flow and promote relaxation. What you may not have known, however, is that massage therapy has been found to help relieve the physical symptoms associated with depression and anxiety such as headache, insomnia, and widespread muscle pain.
For facial fans, how we feel about ourselves is so important to our mental health and a regular facial not only relieves tension but helps improve physical appearance – when we look better, we feel better. The experienced staff at Hand & Stone will help you feel at ease.

Supporting Your Athlete's Dreams: by Coach, Tylor Kendall, Owner - Foundations 850, Inc.
As parents with athletes, early in our relationship we take part in supporting our youth's dreams. It almost comes as naturally as providing for their physical securities such as feeding them and protecting them. For some former athlete-now parents, going to the ballpark has a newfound meaning and a freshness that can oftentimes be more favorable than our own introduction to sports.
There is no one-size fits all or cookie cutter recipe for success. It is important to remember that each student athlete is a case by case scenario but there are relative habits of attitudes and behaviors that can suggest positive outcome.
There are obvious practices that are paramount in building up the confidence and success of a young athlete - Such as being present. Athletes with parents active in their competition, scholastic affairs, and lives in general will have a much higher sense of self-esteem and unity imperative for team play. Have faith in your athlete and their development but do not rush them. Everyone grows and matures at their own pace and youth sports is an excellent activity to expose the differences between each child. An athletic career should be viewed as a marathon and not a sprint.
Several polls taken in recent years prove that a young athletes top fears most often consist of the ride home with parents after a rough game . It is highly suggested to wait on the critique. The immediate coaching demonstrates us parent's focus on the negative instead of the positive. Instead, how about saying "I love to watch you play. I will share with you some suggestions tomorrow". This can be a personal reminder LOL.
We should praise effort and attitude over outcome. And every situation is an opportunity to grow or a chance for a child to build character. This teaches them to take self accountability and responsibility. Excuses and finger pointing promote entitlement and lack of accountability down the road. Give the athlete opportunities to take on responsibilities. This consists of many areas such as having them prep their uniform and equipment. As well as, communicating with coaches on schedule matters or playing time questions. Our athletes must learn to communicate!
The common mistake of parents today is them living vicariously through the lives of their athletes. This can be detrimental in many ways. We must remember as parents that we are supporting THEIR dreams, not living ours! And with that being said, a great suggestion would be to chase your own! Our children learn very vividly when they can see the principles that we are teaching and practice in our very own lives! How can we properly instruct our youth to dream when we are living a dull and mundane life not chasing our own? Sometimes the great thing about inspiring someone is the inspiration that you receive!
It is also highly suggested to allow the student athlete to be a student in many particular fields. This prevents burnout as providing other benefits. Whether that be by playing multiple sports, practicing mixed martial arts, taking up musical instruments, or other healthy activities that promote well-being and a healthy lifestyle. This will create a more well-rounded athlete...and adult.
Promote listing goals, short and long-term, and then figure out how to smash them! Oftentimes if you ask a young football player what they want to be when they grow up, without hesitation they may say an NFL superstar. Where our parental supervision and love comes in would be how we foster that dream. Do we instill false hopes by not promote working consistently in that direction? Do we show them the highly unlikely percentages of athletes making it to the professional level? Or do we break that massive destination down into a journey composed of many short-term and long-term goals? We can positively support "out of this world" dreams by offering a direction, a pathway toward a possible unobtainable goal! Taking steps, small goals, and the application of effort in such a direction has no alternative other than producing ripe fruit!
On the other side of that we have to sometimes protect our athletes from themselves and humble them. Some athletes along the way will need accurate assessment and this can be very challenging. This and many other reasons combined promote using outside resources. Provide opportunities for training, and the best type of training often comes with trainers! Sometimes training does not have the glamor appeal and instant gratification that gets produced by today's technology of cell phone use and online gaming. However it is up to us parents to continue to support our children's dreams by saving them from themselves and promoting them in the direction of their ultimate desire. The realities of this are often not painted so clearly. It is important to remember that all this is a journey and not a destination and it is important to enjoy the journey. I would try to implement the same principle to the athlete in the phrase "Enjoy the Grind".
Try to enjoy your "season" as parent of an athlete. I have been advised by many ahead of me that this will all end in a blink of an eye. In the grand scheme of things, our children's youth will be gone before you know it. Actively participating in youth sports has been my most fondest memory of my youth and is now becoming my favorite in adulthood as well. You will feel this enthusiasm as well if you just remember to let them play ball and they know that you just love to watch them play!
As parents with athletes, early in our relationship we take part in supporting our youth's dreams. It almost comes as naturally as providing for their physical securities such as feeding them and protecting them. For some former athlete-now parents, going to the ballpark has a newfound meaning and a freshness that can oftentimes be more favorable than our own introduction to sports.
There is no one-size fits all or cookie cutter recipe for success. It is important to remember that each student athlete is a case by case scenario but there are relative habits of attitudes and behaviors that can suggest positive outcome.
There are obvious practices that are paramount in building up the confidence and success of a young athlete - Such as being present. Athletes with parents active in their competition, scholastic affairs, and lives in general will have a much higher sense of self-esteem and unity imperative for team play. Have faith in your athlete and their development but do not rush them. Everyone grows and matures at their own pace and youth sports is an excellent activity to expose the differences between each child. An athletic career should be viewed as a marathon and not a sprint.
Several polls taken in recent years prove that a young athletes top fears most often consist of the ride home with parents after a rough game . It is highly suggested to wait on the critique. The immediate coaching demonstrates us parent's focus on the negative instead of the positive. Instead, how about saying "I love to watch you play. I will share with you some suggestions tomorrow". This can be a personal reminder LOL.
We should praise effort and attitude over outcome. And every situation is an opportunity to grow or a chance for a child to build character. This teaches them to take self accountability and responsibility. Excuses and finger pointing promote entitlement and lack of accountability down the road. Give the athlete opportunities to take on responsibilities. This consists of many areas such as having them prep their uniform and equipment. As well as, communicating with coaches on schedule matters or playing time questions. Our athletes must learn to communicate!
The common mistake of parents today is them living vicariously through the lives of their athletes. This can be detrimental in many ways. We must remember as parents that we are supporting THEIR dreams, not living ours! And with that being said, a great suggestion would be to chase your own! Our children learn very vividly when they can see the principles that we are teaching and practice in our very own lives! How can we properly instruct our youth to dream when we are living a dull and mundane life not chasing our own? Sometimes the great thing about inspiring someone is the inspiration that you receive!
It is also highly suggested to allow the student athlete to be a student in many particular fields. This prevents burnout as providing other benefits. Whether that be by playing multiple sports, practicing mixed martial arts, taking up musical instruments, or other healthy activities that promote well-being and a healthy lifestyle. This will create a more well-rounded athlete...and adult.
Promote listing goals, short and long-term, and then figure out how to smash them! Oftentimes if you ask a young football player what they want to be when they grow up, without hesitation they may say an NFL superstar. Where our parental supervision and love comes in would be how we foster that dream. Do we instill false hopes by not promote working consistently in that direction? Do we show them the highly unlikely percentages of athletes making it to the professional level? Or do we break that massive destination down into a journey composed of many short-term and long-term goals? We can positively support "out of this world" dreams by offering a direction, a pathway toward a possible unobtainable goal! Taking steps, small goals, and the application of effort in such a direction has no alternative other than producing ripe fruit!
On the other side of that we have to sometimes protect our athletes from themselves and humble them. Some athletes along the way will need accurate assessment and this can be very challenging. This and many other reasons combined promote using outside resources. Provide opportunities for training, and the best type of training often comes with trainers! Sometimes training does not have the glamor appeal and instant gratification that gets produced by today's technology of cell phone use and online gaming. However it is up to us parents to continue to support our children's dreams by saving them from themselves and promoting them in the direction of their ultimate desire. The realities of this are often not painted so clearly. It is important to remember that all this is a journey and not a destination and it is important to enjoy the journey. I would try to implement the same principle to the athlete in the phrase "Enjoy the Grind".
Try to enjoy your "season" as parent of an athlete. I have been advised by many ahead of me that this will all end in a blink of an eye. In the grand scheme of things, our children's youth will be gone before you know it. Actively participating in youth sports has been my most fondest memory of my youth and is now becoming my favorite in adulthood as well. You will feel this enthusiasm as well if you just remember to let them play ball and they know that you just love to watch them play!

Florida Homeowners Insurance: by Steven Craft, Jr. - Agent - Lucleon Insurance Company
The Florida homeowners insurance market has been extremely volatile in 2021 and on into 2022, to say the least. Many homeowners are being dropped from their current insurance providers either because their insurance company is pulling out of Florida, or the company has gone into receivership, or because of the regulations put in place within the standard market. It is beginning to become a wonder on how Floridians can find affordable insurance anymore!
Florida is one of the most unique places in America when it comes to property insurance. When you are hunting for the best policy for your property, be prepared to possibly come across various options that sometimes will range in premium differences of thousands of dollars.
This is a simple and good fact to know, there are two different markets at play. The standard market, which is usually the most affordable market for homeowners. Also, there is the excess and surplus lines market, which is a specialty market that insures properties with a more lenient approach for a higher rated premium, in most cases.
Another good fact to know, the new standard guidelines on shingle roofs will prevent homeowners from purchasing standard insurance options if their shingle roof is 10 years or older. This has pushed many homeowners into the E&S market.
Bottom line, you should seek help from a local Florida insurance agent that knows what they’re doing and what they’re talking about. A local agent will help mitigate the risk you take in purchasing a high premium policy vs getting something affordable for you and your family. Florida agents know the market and they know what companies to go to for your specific needs.
This article is not legal advice and is not to be taken as anything but a commentary article and an educated opinion on the insurance market in Florida.
The Florida homeowners insurance market has been extremely volatile in 2021 and on into 2022, to say the least. Many homeowners are being dropped from their current insurance providers either because their insurance company is pulling out of Florida, or the company has gone into receivership, or because of the regulations put in place within the standard market. It is beginning to become a wonder on how Floridians can find affordable insurance anymore!
Florida is one of the most unique places in America when it comes to property insurance. When you are hunting for the best policy for your property, be prepared to possibly come across various options that sometimes will range in premium differences of thousands of dollars.
This is a simple and good fact to know, there are two different markets at play. The standard market, which is usually the most affordable market for homeowners. Also, there is the excess and surplus lines market, which is a specialty market that insures properties with a more lenient approach for a higher rated premium, in most cases.
Another good fact to know, the new standard guidelines on shingle roofs will prevent homeowners from purchasing standard insurance options if their shingle roof is 10 years or older. This has pushed many homeowners into the E&S market.
Bottom line, you should seek help from a local Florida insurance agent that knows what they’re doing and what they’re talking about. A local agent will help mitigate the risk you take in purchasing a high premium policy vs getting something affordable for you and your family. Florida agents know the market and they know what companies to go to for your specific needs.
This article is not legal advice and is not to be taken as anything but a commentary article and an educated opinion on the insurance market in Florida.

How To Get A Clean Floor - by Mercedes Feris Owner: Happy Planet Cleaners
The only thing worse than dirty floors is when you clean them, and they still feel sticky! It’s like, why?! Cleaning floors can be simple, but if you don’t do it right, you’re just wasting your time. I’m my personal opinion, along with other cleaners I’ve polled, dust mop style floor cleaners do not truly clean your floors, and if you don’t use the right floor cleaner you’ll just get a layer of film on your floors.
Cleaning your floors well requires the right tools. And a great mop will make your life infinitely easier. Some of you may have seen a post about the O’Cedar brand mop and honestly this is the best mop on the market. It’s so versatile that allows you to clean windows, walls, baseboards and last but not least any type of floor.
Now, what to put in your water. Remember to get as much water out of the mop before starting, this will help prevent streaks.
All Purpose Floor Cleaner
The only thing worse than dirty floors is when you clean them, and they still feel sticky! It’s like, why?! Cleaning floors can be simple, but if you don’t do it right, you’re just wasting your time. I’m my personal opinion, along with other cleaners I’ve polled, dust mop style floor cleaners do not truly clean your floors, and if you don’t use the right floor cleaner you’ll just get a layer of film on your floors.
Cleaning your floors well requires the right tools. And a great mop will make your life infinitely easier. Some of you may have seen a post about the O’Cedar brand mop and honestly this is the best mop on the market. It’s so versatile that allows you to clean windows, walls, baseboards and last but not least any type of floor.
Now, what to put in your water. Remember to get as much water out of the mop before starting, this will help prevent streaks.
All Purpose Floor Cleaner
- 2 cups hot Water
- 1/2 Rubbing Alcohol
- 1/4 cup Vinegar
- 1/8 tsp Castile Soap
- 5-10 drops Essential Oil (optional)
- 2 cups Water
- 1/4 cup Vinegar
- 1/2 tsp Castile Soap
- 5-10 drops Orange Essential Oil

The Only Summer Maintenance You Need: By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
Power Wash Your Driveway and Sidewalks
A great place to start with summer home maintenance is to thoroughly inspect and clean your sidewalks, deck, patio, and driveway. The key to cleaning these areas is to use a pressure washer. Before you start power washing, it’s a good idea to check these areas for any cracks and weeds. Once you have given everything a full inspection, wash away all the dirt, mold and grime that’s built up over the past year. You can check with your local home improvement store about renting a pressure washer for about $40 a day if you don’t own one. From stains to moss to bacteria, dingy roofs, siding and decks not only look poorly from the curb but can also contribute to an array of other household problems and even shorten the lifespan of your home. While incorrectly pressure washing can damage your home and lead to expensive repairs, soft washing is a safe, eco-friendly, biodegradable option that can boost curb appeal, increase energy savings, and extend the lifespan of your home Soft washing is recommended for items such as screens, outdoor wood furniture, cedar, wood or vinyl siding. You can use your same pressure washer, just replace the tip with a nozzle that widens the spray of water so it’s modified to a lower PSI (pressure per square inch).
Clean Out Gutters and Downspouts: If your gutters are clogged, that means that they won’t effectively drain water away from the home. There can be all sorts of grubby gunk keeping your gutters from functioning properly. If you leave them unchecked for a long period of time, not only does this increase the chance of harm to the home, but mold and mildew can grow. This may lead to it spreading to other areas of the home, too. Prevention is key! It’s also important to assess if any critters have made your gutters their rental home. If bird nests are unoccupied and old, make sure to remove them before it’s renovated for its next occupancy. For wasps and other insect homes, be sure to get pest control to remedy the situation. (We can help with that, too).
Wash Windows and Replace Window Screens: Washing your exterior windows won’t make much of a difference if you don’t wash your window screens, too. Remove your window screens and gently scrub them with hot, soapy water. If your screens are too filthy to be cleaned, you may want to replace them. While you’re spending time examining your screens, you should also examine your windows and doors to ensure they seal tightly and function properly to conserve the cool air from your air conditioning. If your home isn’t equipped with central air, check out our tips for cooling your home without it.
Prevent Bug Breeding Grounds: Since warmer weather calls for more time spent outside, you’ll want to maintain a yard that isn’t swarming with insects. A quick spritz of outdoor bug spray around the perimeter of your house and yard will keep you relaxed in your yard, instead of running inside for cover. You can also caulk your windows and doors to help stop bugs and ants from infiltrating your home.
Beautify Your Yard: Make your yard look fresh from the grass to the trees. Start by removing all dead parts from trees or plants and doing some weeding. Laying mulch in your flower beds will help keep weeds away and let your plants retain moisture. This is also a great time to get your home and backyard ready for summer cookouts and pool parties with some new landscaping.
Prep Your Grill for Backyard BBQs: Clean and test your grill to make sure it’s ready for hamburger and hot dog season. If you have a gas grill, heat it up for about 20-30 minutes and then scrub the grates clean with a grill brush. For a charcoal grill, grab a bucket of hot, soapy water and clean with a sponge. To ensure proper grill safety, check hoses for cracks, holes, and blockages. Don’t forget to place your grill 10 feet or more away from any structures, railings, or other flammable items before firing it up.
Stage Outdoor Furniture: Ditch the rusty old hand-me-down chairs and check out your local home goods store for some simple furniture to create a comfortable outdoor space you’ll want to spend time in.
INDOOR HOME MAINTENANCE: Examine Your (Indoor) Hoses. First on the summer home maintenance checklist for your indoor spaces is to inspect the hoses to your washer, dehumidifier, dishwasher, icemaker, toilets and refrigerator for any signs of wear and tear, leaks or cracking. You should replace these hoses once every 3-5 years, but it is important to regularly check for any signs of leaking.
Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Replace old batteries and check to ensure things are in working order with all smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and home timers. Smoke detector batteries should be changed every six months!
Clean the Garbage Disposal and Dishwasher: This summer home maintenance tip isn’t necessarily a warm weather chore, but it is important to clean out your garbage disposal and dishwasher every once in a while. You can clean out your garbage disposal by flushing it with hot water and some dish soap. To clean your dishwasher, add 2 cups of vinegar to the bottom of the machine and run the machine on low wash. If your dishes are still coming out dirty, it may be time to replace the appliance. Reverse Ceiling Fans. It’s a good idea to reverse the direction of your ceiling fan during the summer so that it spins counterclockwise. This pushes the air straight down, creating a nice breeze. To do so, shut off the fan and wait for the blades to come to a complete stop. Once
Power Wash Your Driveway and Sidewalks
A great place to start with summer home maintenance is to thoroughly inspect and clean your sidewalks, deck, patio, and driveway. The key to cleaning these areas is to use a pressure washer. Before you start power washing, it’s a good idea to check these areas for any cracks and weeds. Once you have given everything a full inspection, wash away all the dirt, mold and grime that’s built up over the past year. You can check with your local home improvement store about renting a pressure washer for about $40 a day if you don’t own one. From stains to moss to bacteria, dingy roofs, siding and decks not only look poorly from the curb but can also contribute to an array of other household problems and even shorten the lifespan of your home. While incorrectly pressure washing can damage your home and lead to expensive repairs, soft washing is a safe, eco-friendly, biodegradable option that can boost curb appeal, increase energy savings, and extend the lifespan of your home Soft washing is recommended for items such as screens, outdoor wood furniture, cedar, wood or vinyl siding. You can use your same pressure washer, just replace the tip with a nozzle that widens the spray of water so it’s modified to a lower PSI (pressure per square inch).
Clean Out Gutters and Downspouts: If your gutters are clogged, that means that they won’t effectively drain water away from the home. There can be all sorts of grubby gunk keeping your gutters from functioning properly. If you leave them unchecked for a long period of time, not only does this increase the chance of harm to the home, but mold and mildew can grow. This may lead to it spreading to other areas of the home, too. Prevention is key! It’s also important to assess if any critters have made your gutters their rental home. If bird nests are unoccupied and old, make sure to remove them before it’s renovated for its next occupancy. For wasps and other insect homes, be sure to get pest control to remedy the situation. (We can help with that, too).
Wash Windows and Replace Window Screens: Washing your exterior windows won’t make much of a difference if you don’t wash your window screens, too. Remove your window screens and gently scrub them with hot, soapy water. If your screens are too filthy to be cleaned, you may want to replace them. While you’re spending time examining your screens, you should also examine your windows and doors to ensure they seal tightly and function properly to conserve the cool air from your air conditioning. If your home isn’t equipped with central air, check out our tips for cooling your home without it.
Prevent Bug Breeding Grounds: Since warmer weather calls for more time spent outside, you’ll want to maintain a yard that isn’t swarming with insects. A quick spritz of outdoor bug spray around the perimeter of your house and yard will keep you relaxed in your yard, instead of running inside for cover. You can also caulk your windows and doors to help stop bugs and ants from infiltrating your home.
Beautify Your Yard: Make your yard look fresh from the grass to the trees. Start by removing all dead parts from trees or plants and doing some weeding. Laying mulch in your flower beds will help keep weeds away and let your plants retain moisture. This is also a great time to get your home and backyard ready for summer cookouts and pool parties with some new landscaping.
Prep Your Grill for Backyard BBQs: Clean and test your grill to make sure it’s ready for hamburger and hot dog season. If you have a gas grill, heat it up for about 20-30 minutes and then scrub the grates clean with a grill brush. For a charcoal grill, grab a bucket of hot, soapy water and clean with a sponge. To ensure proper grill safety, check hoses for cracks, holes, and blockages. Don’t forget to place your grill 10 feet or more away from any structures, railings, or other flammable items before firing it up.
Stage Outdoor Furniture: Ditch the rusty old hand-me-down chairs and check out your local home goods store for some simple furniture to create a comfortable outdoor space you’ll want to spend time in.
INDOOR HOME MAINTENANCE: Examine Your (Indoor) Hoses. First on the summer home maintenance checklist for your indoor spaces is to inspect the hoses to your washer, dehumidifier, dishwasher, icemaker, toilets and refrigerator for any signs of wear and tear, leaks or cracking. You should replace these hoses once every 3-5 years, but it is important to regularly check for any signs of leaking.
Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Replace old batteries and check to ensure things are in working order with all smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and home timers. Smoke detector batteries should be changed every six months!
Clean the Garbage Disposal and Dishwasher: This summer home maintenance tip isn’t necessarily a warm weather chore, but it is important to clean out your garbage disposal and dishwasher every once in a while. You can clean out your garbage disposal by flushing it with hot water and some dish soap. To clean your dishwasher, add 2 cups of vinegar to the bottom of the machine and run the machine on low wash. If your dishes are still coming out dirty, it may be time to replace the appliance. Reverse Ceiling Fans. It’s a good idea to reverse the direction of your ceiling fan during the summer so that it spins counterclockwise. This pushes the air straight down, creating a nice breeze. To do so, shut off the fan and wait for the blades to come to a complete stop. Once

Travel & Day Trips Around Florida
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out! https://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/florida-day-trips-by-theme.html
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out! https://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/florida-day-trips-by-theme.html
Okaloosa County Master Gardeners: Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OCMGA
If you want to know what to plant in May, check out this May Planting calendar on the OCMGA website. https://www.ocmga.org |
Take a listen to this original song by Destin local, Emily Bass! Emily is also a former contestant on The Voice TV show..

Christian Corner: by Patricia Lee
Proverbs: 3: 4-6
If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgement and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success."
Full, complete trust in God means giving your burdens over to Him without further fear or worry. Easier said than done but it shouldn't be. If we really believe in His greatness and His power, we should rest and sleep well. However, we are human and as such, we are weak. True full and complete trust in God is something we all have to work on daily. I have seen God in action over the 63 years of my life, so trusting Him has definitely gotten easier. It's still a challenge and always will be but I've seen and experienced enough now to know, that He knows best and that when things don't work out like we wanted, it's always a blessing for one reason or another.
Proverbs: 3: 4-6
If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgement and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success."
Full, complete trust in God means giving your burdens over to Him without further fear or worry. Easier said than done but it shouldn't be. If we really believe in His greatness and His power, we should rest and sleep well. However, we are human and as such, we are weak. True full and complete trust in God is something we all have to work on daily. I have seen God in action over the 63 years of my life, so trusting Him has definitely gotten easier. It's still a challenge and always will be but I've seen and experienced enough now to know, that He knows best and that when things don't work out like we wanted, it's always a blessing for one reason or another.

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