May 2024 Newsletter

A Note From The Publisher
Three Miracles And Me
***This was published in last months newsletter but the response has lead me to publish it again for the new subscribers.
These are true stories with a special twist; my personal stories. These are the short versions because I wanted to make it an easy read for everyone. If you are not one who believes in God nor any higher power, please be forewarned that these stories could change your mind.
Story #1. When I was 18 months old it was discovered that I had Neuroblastoma. A common cancer for young children for which there is still no cure. It was wrapped completely around my left kidney so the kidney was removed. It was then discovered to also be throughout my bone marrow all over my body. This was around 1961 and there were no treatments outside of doing what they called, at the time, X-ray therapy. Some treatments were administered but were not working and the cancer was growing. My doctor was Marshal Pitts, at Children's Hospital, in Birmingham, Alabama. He was a new doctor there and very young. He suggested to my parents to him do a procedure where they would remove my bone marrow and inject nitrogen mustered, in hopes that would kill the cancer. It had never been done here in the states and he did tell my parents it would be easy for me to develop pneumonia because I would have no immune system anymore. Since my prognoses was certain death from the cancer anyway, my parents agreed to allow the surgery, in a last ditch effort to save my life.
My maternal grandfather was a Christian man and had as many people praying for me as was possible. You have to remember there was no social media back in those days. He belonged to a small Baptist church, in a small town and they would hold special prayer sessions where they came together just to pray for me. Fast forward to the day of the surgery. My Grandfather was there and told my surgeon about how he had been praying for me. He told him he felt God had told him that I was cured. The surgeon explained to my Grandfather how more tests/x-rays had already been done so he was certain it was there but, to appease him, he finally agreed to do more. The cancer was discovered to be completely gone! So, instead of having that horrible surgery, I got to go home. I continued to be tested often and over the next 5 years but of course, no one trace of it was ever again found. My surgeon was also a Christian man. When ever he would give seminars or have a speaking engagement he many times would tell my story in hopes of persuading some of those scientist non-believers that God does exist. If you are one who thinks prayer can't change things, you may want to rethink that notion. It doesn't always take prayer to get a miracle which, you will find in my second story, but prayers do matter and yes, they can change things.
Story #2. Shortly after my son was born, in 1994, I had a partial hysterectomy. I had been having complications which were putting my health at risk. We could not find the reason for the issues and I was left with no choice but to try this surgery in hopes it would help. After the surgery, the doctor came in to talk to us and let us know that a tumor was found in my uterus and that it had been sent to the lab for evaluation. He wasn't expecting the results back before I left the hospital but the next day he walked into my room with the report. He said the tumor was cancerous but the unique thing about it was that it had started to break apart and disintegrate on it's own which was something they had never seen happen before. He said, "That's the kind of thing you may see happen when someone has been going through treatment but we know you haven't been through any treatment so the lab folks and I feel that you just got a miracle. People in the lab feel like they witnessed the hand of God in action." This goes to show you how God is at work, in your life, moving toward miracles you didn't even know you needed.
Story #3. January 2005. I had been divorced for 6 years and was raising 2 children; a 16 year old daughter and 11 year old son. I went to the doctor to have a tiny knot diagnosed which was under my right arm. Sonar was taken and I went back later for the results. The surgeon walks into the room saying, "Good news! It's not cancer!" She hung some kind of fancy name on it and told me they just leave those alone. I asked her what if it starts to grow or bother me. She shrugged her shoulders and said they might remove it in that case but generally, they don't mess with them. I left her office feeling happy. Unfortunately, it did start to bother me and was clearly growing so, I went back but this time to a different surgeon. She did a biopsy on the spot and rushed the results while I waited, in the lobby. Yes, you guessed it. It was cancer and I was scheduled for surgery. During the surgery the surgeon removed 15 lymph nodes with 14 of them positive and not only that but the cancer had already broken through the cells and was running all through my blood stream. This promptly warranted a right mastectomy and stage 3C diagnoses. Chemo was the next step.
I do want to stop here and say that the day I found out it was cancer I was alone at the doctor's office. When I left there I prayed while driving home. I just said to God that I wanted to live to finish raising my children but that if my death would bring Him greater glory in any way, that I was ready to go. I told Him I wanted to be His vessel no matter what that meant for me and that I would trust Him to take care of my children and promised not to be angry with Him, if He decided to take me. I immediately had an overwhelming feeling of peace. I had no idea what was going to happen but I just had this great peace about it all.
The day came when it was time to start chemo. I had my first treatment and went home. That night I had found a Bible which I had as a teenager. Back in those days, I was very involved in church, youth groups and youth choir. I was very close to God and had made all kinds of notes in that bible and underlined many passages. I had not looked at it in years but did that night before going to bed. When I finished I just laid it on the pillow beside me. I turned out the lights. Said my usual prayers which, by the way, didn't include anything about my own illness other than asking God to help me through it all. There I was with my eyes closed just trying to go to sleep when I felt this big jolt on my right clavicle. That's where they said they thought they saw a spot after the P.E.T. scan I had for the oncologist. Some would call it a lightning bolt sensation but there was no sharp pain. It was just a very hard hit like getting kicked by a mule but was just in that one tiny spot. I opened my eyes and laid there wondering what in the world just happened when all of a sudden I got another jolt but this time at the base of my neck. Nobody had said anything to me about my neck so by this time I shouted out loud, "GOD?" as though calling out for help. Immediately my mind said, "Turn on the light and read your Bible. Just open it and read and you will be comforted." So, I did. When I opened the bible I didn't fumble through pages. I just opened it and there were the words God wanted me to see. They were underlined. I felt the push to read out loud and this is what I read......
"Bless the Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield." Psalms 144. I looked up and read another passage that I had underlined. Again, having the feeling of needing to read out loud. God clearly wanted to hear me say these words and I read.... "Lord, saving me will bring glory to your name. Bring me out of all this trouble because you are true to your promises. And because you are loving and kind to me, cut off ALL my enemies and destroy those who are trying to harm me; for I am your servant." Psalms 143: 11. A rush of peace came over me like I have never before experienced. Father God was telling me that HE was in control of it all. He was fighting that battle; not me. A few days later I flipped the page on the Bible and saw where I had written in the margin of that chapter 143 passage, "My prayer." I had written that as a teen but little did I know what it was going to mean to me so many years later. Again, I had another rush of peace come over me, as I saw those words.
If you need further confirmation that it was a night of miracles, here you go. The doctors wanted me to go for radiation therapy after chemo. I went to one doctor who relayed his plan of action to me which seemed logical and was all protocol but for some reason, I felt the need to go for a second opinion. I visited the second doctor and as I listened to the radiologist talk about the focus points. She said, "There is one other place I might add" (aside from what the first doctor wanted to do) and as she said that, she reached up and touched the base of my neck. She said it was logical for that to be the first place the cancer would go considering it's current location. Well, needless to say, I knew that had already been dealt with by a higher power. She touched the very spot I had felt the jolt that special night. Now I knew why I felt that jolt on my neck that night. That was just God further confirming to me that He was in control. Now I knew why I was so driven to get a second opinion for something that should be standard protocol for my situation. God wanted to drive it home to me that HIS hand was involved.
I was told I would maybe live a couple of more years but folks, that was 2005. To God be the GLORY! AMEN! I don't know why God saved me but honestly, it is none of my business and I am sure He had multiple reasons. He doesn't have to answer to me. I am the one who has to answer to Him. It is not for me to question His ways but my job to have faith, trust His judgement, and be willing to be His vessel no matter what that means.
I recently enjoyed welcoming my first grandchild into this world and oh, what a glorious day! My son and I both stood there full of tears of joy and thankful the Lord allowed me to live to see that day. Her parents played worship music while she was being born and they prayed over her to have a peaceful entrance to this world. I will never forget my son texting us that the Holy Spirit was in that room. How sweet and my heart was full! She is surrounded by so much love and may the Lord bless her all the days of her life.
Dear Lord, I pray these stories will reach all the ones who need to hear them and that they will help them in some way. Amen!
Personal Message From Patricia:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 9,900+ members.
If you live in Destin proper, you receive a freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Est. 2018 Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Original Newsletter created: December 2021
Three Miracles And Me
***This was published in last months newsletter but the response has lead me to publish it again for the new subscribers.
These are true stories with a special twist; my personal stories. These are the short versions because I wanted to make it an easy read for everyone. If you are not one who believes in God nor any higher power, please be forewarned that these stories could change your mind.
Story #1. When I was 18 months old it was discovered that I had Neuroblastoma. A common cancer for young children for which there is still no cure. It was wrapped completely around my left kidney so the kidney was removed. It was then discovered to also be throughout my bone marrow all over my body. This was around 1961 and there were no treatments outside of doing what they called, at the time, X-ray therapy. Some treatments were administered but were not working and the cancer was growing. My doctor was Marshal Pitts, at Children's Hospital, in Birmingham, Alabama. He was a new doctor there and very young. He suggested to my parents to him do a procedure where they would remove my bone marrow and inject nitrogen mustered, in hopes that would kill the cancer. It had never been done here in the states and he did tell my parents it would be easy for me to develop pneumonia because I would have no immune system anymore. Since my prognoses was certain death from the cancer anyway, my parents agreed to allow the surgery, in a last ditch effort to save my life.
My maternal grandfather was a Christian man and had as many people praying for me as was possible. You have to remember there was no social media back in those days. He belonged to a small Baptist church, in a small town and they would hold special prayer sessions where they came together just to pray for me. Fast forward to the day of the surgery. My Grandfather was there and told my surgeon about how he had been praying for me. He told him he felt God had told him that I was cured. The surgeon explained to my Grandfather how more tests/x-rays had already been done so he was certain it was there but, to appease him, he finally agreed to do more. The cancer was discovered to be completely gone! So, instead of having that horrible surgery, I got to go home. I continued to be tested often and over the next 5 years but of course, no one trace of it was ever again found. My surgeon was also a Christian man. When ever he would give seminars or have a speaking engagement he many times would tell my story in hopes of persuading some of those scientist non-believers that God does exist. If you are one who thinks prayer can't change things, you may want to rethink that notion. It doesn't always take prayer to get a miracle which, you will find in my second story, but prayers do matter and yes, they can change things.
Story #2. Shortly after my son was born, in 1994, I had a partial hysterectomy. I had been having complications which were putting my health at risk. We could not find the reason for the issues and I was left with no choice but to try this surgery in hopes it would help. After the surgery, the doctor came in to talk to us and let us know that a tumor was found in my uterus and that it had been sent to the lab for evaluation. He wasn't expecting the results back before I left the hospital but the next day he walked into my room with the report. He said the tumor was cancerous but the unique thing about it was that it had started to break apart and disintegrate on it's own which was something they had never seen happen before. He said, "That's the kind of thing you may see happen when someone has been going through treatment but we know you haven't been through any treatment so the lab folks and I feel that you just got a miracle. People in the lab feel like they witnessed the hand of God in action." This goes to show you how God is at work, in your life, moving toward miracles you didn't even know you needed.
Story #3. January 2005. I had been divorced for 6 years and was raising 2 children; a 16 year old daughter and 11 year old son. I went to the doctor to have a tiny knot diagnosed which was under my right arm. Sonar was taken and I went back later for the results. The surgeon walks into the room saying, "Good news! It's not cancer!" She hung some kind of fancy name on it and told me they just leave those alone. I asked her what if it starts to grow or bother me. She shrugged her shoulders and said they might remove it in that case but generally, they don't mess with them. I left her office feeling happy. Unfortunately, it did start to bother me and was clearly growing so, I went back but this time to a different surgeon. She did a biopsy on the spot and rushed the results while I waited, in the lobby. Yes, you guessed it. It was cancer and I was scheduled for surgery. During the surgery the surgeon removed 15 lymph nodes with 14 of them positive and not only that but the cancer had already broken through the cells and was running all through my blood stream. This promptly warranted a right mastectomy and stage 3C diagnoses. Chemo was the next step.
I do want to stop here and say that the day I found out it was cancer I was alone at the doctor's office. When I left there I prayed while driving home. I just said to God that I wanted to live to finish raising my children but that if my death would bring Him greater glory in any way, that I was ready to go. I told Him I wanted to be His vessel no matter what that meant for me and that I would trust Him to take care of my children and promised not to be angry with Him, if He decided to take me. I immediately had an overwhelming feeling of peace. I had no idea what was going to happen but I just had this great peace about it all.
The day came when it was time to start chemo. I had my first treatment and went home. That night I had found a Bible which I had as a teenager. Back in those days, I was very involved in church, youth groups and youth choir. I was very close to God and had made all kinds of notes in that bible and underlined many passages. I had not looked at it in years but did that night before going to bed. When I finished I just laid it on the pillow beside me. I turned out the lights. Said my usual prayers which, by the way, didn't include anything about my own illness other than asking God to help me through it all. There I was with my eyes closed just trying to go to sleep when I felt this big jolt on my right clavicle. That's where they said they thought they saw a spot after the P.E.T. scan I had for the oncologist. Some would call it a lightning bolt sensation but there was no sharp pain. It was just a very hard hit like getting kicked by a mule but was just in that one tiny spot. I opened my eyes and laid there wondering what in the world just happened when all of a sudden I got another jolt but this time at the base of my neck. Nobody had said anything to me about my neck so by this time I shouted out loud, "GOD?" as though calling out for help. Immediately my mind said, "Turn on the light and read your Bible. Just open it and read and you will be comforted." So, I did. When I opened the bible I didn't fumble through pages. I just opened it and there were the words God wanted me to see. They were underlined. I felt the push to read out loud and this is what I read......
"Bless the Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield." Psalms 144. I looked up and read another passage that I had underlined. Again, having the feeling of needing to read out loud. God clearly wanted to hear me say these words and I read.... "Lord, saving me will bring glory to your name. Bring me out of all this trouble because you are true to your promises. And because you are loving and kind to me, cut off ALL my enemies and destroy those who are trying to harm me; for I am your servant." Psalms 143: 11. A rush of peace came over me like I have never before experienced. Father God was telling me that HE was in control of it all. He was fighting that battle; not me. A few days later I flipped the page on the Bible and saw where I had written in the margin of that chapter 143 passage, "My prayer." I had written that as a teen but little did I know what it was going to mean to me so many years later. Again, I had another rush of peace come over me, as I saw those words.
If you need further confirmation that it was a night of miracles, here you go. The doctors wanted me to go for radiation therapy after chemo. I went to one doctor who relayed his plan of action to me which seemed logical and was all protocol but for some reason, I felt the need to go for a second opinion. I visited the second doctor and as I listened to the radiologist talk about the focus points. She said, "There is one other place I might add" (aside from what the first doctor wanted to do) and as she said that, she reached up and touched the base of my neck. She said it was logical for that to be the first place the cancer would go considering it's current location. Well, needless to say, I knew that had already been dealt with by a higher power. She touched the very spot I had felt the jolt that special night. Now I knew why I felt that jolt on my neck that night. That was just God further confirming to me that He was in control. Now I knew why I was so driven to get a second opinion for something that should be standard protocol for my situation. God wanted to drive it home to me that HIS hand was involved.
I was told I would maybe live a couple of more years but folks, that was 2005. To God be the GLORY! AMEN! I don't know why God saved me but honestly, it is none of my business and I am sure He had multiple reasons. He doesn't have to answer to me. I am the one who has to answer to Him. It is not for me to question His ways but my job to have faith, trust His judgement, and be willing to be His vessel no matter what that means.
I recently enjoyed welcoming my first grandchild into this world and oh, what a glorious day! My son and I both stood there full of tears of joy and thankful the Lord allowed me to live to see that day. Her parents played worship music while she was being born and they prayed over her to have a peaceful entrance to this world. I will never forget my son texting us that the Holy Spirit was in that room. How sweet and my heart was full! She is surrounded by so much love and may the Lord bless her all the days of her life.
Dear Lord, I pray these stories will reach all the ones who need to hear them and that they will help them in some way. Amen!
Personal Message From Patricia:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 9,900+ members.
If you live in Destin proper, you receive a freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Est. 2018 Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Original Newsletter created: December 2021
If you are interested in being a sponsor or article contributor, contact Patricia: [email protected]

Taylor Swift’s Ode to Florida Mentions Destin:
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Written by Kim Harper - Destin Life Staff
Taylor Swift’s new album dropped on April 19, 2024. “The Tortured Poets Department” is Taylor’s 11th era album. “Florida!!!” is the only song that includes three exclamation points. It also mentions Destin timeshares. All the Swifties are googling Destin now.
“Little did you know your home’s really only
A town you’re just a guest in
So you work your life away just to pay
For a time-share down in Destin”
The song is Taylor’s first collaboration with Florence + The Machine. Taylor and Florence’s voices blend amazingly for the edgy track that sounds a little different from Taylor’s usual pop songs. They seem to be singing about a retreat to Florida to recover from heartbreak, but it takes a darker turn, mentioning hurricanes, swamps, cheating husbands and more.
“The hurricane with my name when it came
I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away
Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine
Well, mе and my ghosts, we had a h*** of a time”
Taylor told iHeartRadio about the song: “I think I was coming up with this idea of ‘what happens when your life doesn’t fit’ or ‘the choices you’ve made catch up with you’ and you’re surrounded by these harsh consequences and judgement. And circumstances did not lead you to where you thought you’d be and you just want to escape from everything you’ve ever known. Is there a place you could go?”
“I’m always watching, like, Dateline,” she continued. “People have these crimes that they commit, where they immediately skip town and go to? They go to Florida. They try to reinvent themselves, have a new identity, blend in. And I think when you go through a heartbreak, there’s a part of you that thinks, ‘I want a new name. I want a new life. I don’t want anyone to know where I’ve been or know me at all.’ And so that was the jumping off point behind where would you go to reinvent yourself and blend in? Florida.”
Fans are speculating that the song could have something to do with Taylor’s breakup with Joe Alwyn, which happened while she was touring in Florida on the “Eras Tour” in 2023.
From Taylor’s Instagram regarding the album: “The Tortured Poets Department. An anthology of new works that reflect events, opinions and sentiments from a fleeting and fatalistic moment in time – one that was both sensational and sorrowful in equal measure. This period of the author’s life is now over, the chapter closed and boarded up… And then all that’s left behind is the tortured poetry.”
Floridians are honored that Taylor took notice of the sunshine state. It’s a beautiful place to retreat, to heal; but as Taylor knows, it’s not without its dangers and temptations. “I need to forget, so take me to Florida”
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Written by Kim Harper - Destin Life Staff
Taylor Swift’s new album dropped on April 19, 2024. “The Tortured Poets Department” is Taylor’s 11th era album. “Florida!!!” is the only song that includes three exclamation points. It also mentions Destin timeshares. All the Swifties are googling Destin now.
“Little did you know your home’s really only
A town you’re just a guest in
So you work your life away just to pay
For a time-share down in Destin”
The song is Taylor’s first collaboration with Florence + The Machine. Taylor and Florence’s voices blend amazingly for the edgy track that sounds a little different from Taylor’s usual pop songs. They seem to be singing about a retreat to Florida to recover from heartbreak, but it takes a darker turn, mentioning hurricanes, swamps, cheating husbands and more.
“The hurricane with my name when it came
I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away
Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine
Well, mе and my ghosts, we had a h*** of a time”
Taylor told iHeartRadio about the song: “I think I was coming up with this idea of ‘what happens when your life doesn’t fit’ or ‘the choices you’ve made catch up with you’ and you’re surrounded by these harsh consequences and judgement. And circumstances did not lead you to where you thought you’d be and you just want to escape from everything you’ve ever known. Is there a place you could go?”
“I’m always watching, like, Dateline,” she continued. “People have these crimes that they commit, where they immediately skip town and go to? They go to Florida. They try to reinvent themselves, have a new identity, blend in. And I think when you go through a heartbreak, there’s a part of you that thinks, ‘I want a new name. I want a new life. I don’t want anyone to know where I’ve been or know me at all.’ And so that was the jumping off point behind where would you go to reinvent yourself and blend in? Florida.”
Fans are speculating that the song could have something to do with Taylor’s breakup with Joe Alwyn, which happened while she was touring in Florida on the “Eras Tour” in 2023.
From Taylor’s Instagram regarding the album: “The Tortured Poets Department. An anthology of new works that reflect events, opinions and sentiments from a fleeting and fatalistic moment in time – one that was both sensational and sorrowful in equal measure. This period of the author’s life is now over, the chapter closed and boarded up… And then all that’s left behind is the tortured poetry.”
Floridians are honored that Taylor took notice of the sunshine state. It’s a beautiful place to retreat, to heal; but as Taylor knows, it’s not without its dangers and temptations. “I need to forget, so take me to Florida”

Becoming A True Crime Sleuth:
Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent and Criminal Profiler Michael Yoder is available
for consultations on cold case homicides and lectures on topics related to homicide
investigations. Special interest groups – both large and small can reach Michael Yoder
at [email protected]
You like to watch true crime television shows, don’t you? Deep down, there is a thrill in knowing the “who-done-it” before the end of the show. But not all cases are solved, and while you are watching your shows, you wonder…could I solve these mysteries? The world of True Crime Sleuthing is a way for interested civilians to assist law enforcement in solving crimes – especially homicides that have become Cold Cases. A true crime sleuth volunteers their time and expertise to help solve crimes by searching the Internet, consolidating source information, and raising interest on specific cases. This focus often results in new efforts to move a case toward resolution. A true crime sleuth is not satisfied with knowing there is an ending to the story, they want to be a part of the story. To do something. To bring justice to wrongdoers. To bring comfort to the victims’ families. To help restore safety in
the world.
Becoming a true crime sleuth is more than having an interest in true crime topics. A true crime sleuth accepts the idea that every victim’s life is worthy of closure, regardless of the circumstances of the crime. The true crime sleuth wants to find the ending to their tragic story. With guidance, the sleuth becomes good at locating information on the Internet, identifying clues that are relevant to other bits of data. With others on the team, they start the process of putting the pieces of the puzzle together. They act. Even when the odds of finishing the puzzle are slim or the odds of solving a cold case are statistically near zero, they act. Why? Because the
victim’s life mattered.
The Destin True Crime Club, founded by former FBI criminal profiler and Supervisory Special Agent Michael Yoder, meets monthly to provide updates on actual cold case homicides. Yoder also teaches a monthly class on homicide investigations concepts for civilian sleuths. The club’s Facebook page keeps members apprised of case discoveries, and the members practice using various online tools to find information and in the pursuit for the truth. What sets this club apart from others is that the guidance provided by former SA Michael Yoder comes from actual experience working cold cases as a federal agent. This is not a club for observers. This is a club
for those who will work to seek justice for those who no longer can speak for themselves. If this describes you, come join us! The club meets at the Destin Library, usually on the third Thursday of the month, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The monthly Homicide Investigations Training for Civilian Sleuths also meets at the Destin Library, usually on the first Thursday of the month, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. You can contact the Destin Library for upcoming dates. The Destin Library sponsors the club. You can also join us on FaceBook at Destin True Crime Club.
Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent and Criminal Profiler Michael Yoder is available
for consultations on cold case homicides and lectures on topics related to homicide
investigations. Special interest groups – both large and small can reach Michael Yoder
at [email protected]
You like to watch true crime television shows, don’t you? Deep down, there is a thrill in knowing the “who-done-it” before the end of the show. But not all cases are solved, and while you are watching your shows, you wonder…could I solve these mysteries? The world of True Crime Sleuthing is a way for interested civilians to assist law enforcement in solving crimes – especially homicides that have become Cold Cases. A true crime sleuth volunteers their time and expertise to help solve crimes by searching the Internet, consolidating source information, and raising interest on specific cases. This focus often results in new efforts to move a case toward resolution. A true crime sleuth is not satisfied with knowing there is an ending to the story, they want to be a part of the story. To do something. To bring justice to wrongdoers. To bring comfort to the victims’ families. To help restore safety in
the world.
Becoming a true crime sleuth is more than having an interest in true crime topics. A true crime sleuth accepts the idea that every victim’s life is worthy of closure, regardless of the circumstances of the crime. The true crime sleuth wants to find the ending to their tragic story. With guidance, the sleuth becomes good at locating information on the Internet, identifying clues that are relevant to other bits of data. With others on the team, they start the process of putting the pieces of the puzzle together. They act. Even when the odds of finishing the puzzle are slim or the odds of solving a cold case are statistically near zero, they act. Why? Because the
victim’s life mattered.
The Destin True Crime Club, founded by former FBI criminal profiler and Supervisory Special Agent Michael Yoder, meets monthly to provide updates on actual cold case homicides. Yoder also teaches a monthly class on homicide investigations concepts for civilian sleuths. The club’s Facebook page keeps members apprised of case discoveries, and the members practice using various online tools to find information and in the pursuit for the truth. What sets this club apart from others is that the guidance provided by former SA Michael Yoder comes from actual experience working cold cases as a federal agent. This is not a club for observers. This is a club
for those who will work to seek justice for those who no longer can speak for themselves. If this describes you, come join us! The club meets at the Destin Library, usually on the third Thursday of the month, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The monthly Homicide Investigations Training for Civilian Sleuths also meets at the Destin Library, usually on the first Thursday of the month, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. You can contact the Destin Library for upcoming dates. The Destin Library sponsors the club. You can also join us on FaceBook at Destin True Crime Club.

A Few Maintenance Tips That Can Save You Thousands In Repairs:
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
We get it. Home maintenance projects aren’t the way you want to spend your weekends or your money. Besides the time involved, some people are simply more blessed with “DIY skills” -- or handy spouses. But just like regular dental visits and car tune-ups, preventive maintenance for your home can save you big bucks and even bigger hassles.
Here’s a short checklist of minor home maintenance jobs that will help you prevent costly and major repairs. File these under the category to pay now, so you don’t have to pay a whole lot more later. Whether you can do some of these chores yourself or need to hire a handyman service or professionals, when you consider that your home is your #1 investment, it just makes sense to take good care of it.
1. Clean the gutters
There’s a reason why cleaning gutters is often at the top of most home maintenance lists. Ignoring this basic chore can lead to a cascade of issues that could cost hundreds or even thousands in other repairs. Clogged gutters can keep water from draining off your roof, leading to roof damage and leaks, which in turn can cause ceiling and wall damage, and even mold and foundation problems. Get the picture? Sure, it’s a big pain in the you-know-what to get up on a ladder to blow the leaves and dig debris out of the gutters, but this is one chore you don’t want to ignore.
Gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year, in spring and fall. It’s also a good idea to check them after a heavy rain to make sure they’re free of clogs and the downspouts are working.
2. Avoid costly roof repairs and extend its life
If you’re cleaning the gutters regularly, you’ve already taken the first step to preventing roof damage. Since replacing a roof is one of the most expensive home maintenance costs, you want to do everything you can to add years to its life. Not to mention the fact that your roof is a critical line of defense from high winds and rain for your home, and your family. As a result, taking care of your roof is an important part of disaster preparedness.:
3. Stay on top of tree-trimming needs
Don’t wait for a dangerous storm forecast to call a tree-trimming service. Trees with dead or diseased branches can cause significant risks of property damage or personal injury. Regular pruning and tree trimming will also help keep your beautiful trees healthy and extend longevity.
4. Get an HVAC tune-up
Wondering if those regular HVAC tune-ups are worth it? You betcha, if you want to avoid costly breakdowns in the middle of a simmering heat wave or freezing cold spell. Besides keeping you comfortable, avoiding delays, and paying top dollar for emergency repairs, annual or twice-a-year HVAC system maintenance can help reduce energy costs and extend equipment life. Clogged HVAC lines can also lead to leaks, causing ceiling damage. Yikes!
5. Prevent home fires: Clean out the dryer vent
According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), there are 2,900 home clothes dryer fires reported every year, causing an estimated five deaths, 100 injuries and $35 million in property loss. Cleaning out the lint filter after every laundry load isn’t enough. The dryer vent leading to the outside should be cleaned annually to ensure it’s not clogged. While the USFA recommends hiring a professional for about $150-200 to do the job, this is a fairly simple DIY project as long as the vent is on the ground floor.
6. Declutter and organize your garage
Cleaning out your garage will help you protect what is probably your second biggest investment after your home: Your car. If your garage is too full of stuff to fit your car inside, that means it will be exposed to the elements and greater risks of theft outside. Sun, snow, and debris can wreck your car’s appearance, which will cost you in resale value. A well-organized garage will also help you keep up with your other home maintenance chores on this list. It’s hard to get things done when you can’t find the right tools!
Bottom line, home maintenance is a must! Whether you’re a new homeowner, or just feeling overwhelmed, we hope this list helps motivate you to take on these home maintenance tasks. Like any kind of prevention, it may not be a ton of fun, but it’s so much better than dealing with the consequences of letting things go. Plus, the better you take care of your home, the more you’ll be able to enjoy it. And, as always, there is no shame in asking for help!! And, frankly, depending on your age, you shouldn’t be on a ladder!!
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
We get it. Home maintenance projects aren’t the way you want to spend your weekends or your money. Besides the time involved, some people are simply more blessed with “DIY skills” -- or handy spouses. But just like regular dental visits and car tune-ups, preventive maintenance for your home can save you big bucks and even bigger hassles.
Here’s a short checklist of minor home maintenance jobs that will help you prevent costly and major repairs. File these under the category to pay now, so you don’t have to pay a whole lot more later. Whether you can do some of these chores yourself or need to hire a handyman service or professionals, when you consider that your home is your #1 investment, it just makes sense to take good care of it.
1. Clean the gutters
There’s a reason why cleaning gutters is often at the top of most home maintenance lists. Ignoring this basic chore can lead to a cascade of issues that could cost hundreds or even thousands in other repairs. Clogged gutters can keep water from draining off your roof, leading to roof damage and leaks, which in turn can cause ceiling and wall damage, and even mold and foundation problems. Get the picture? Sure, it’s a big pain in the you-know-what to get up on a ladder to blow the leaves and dig debris out of the gutters, but this is one chore you don’t want to ignore.
Gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year, in spring and fall. It’s also a good idea to check them after a heavy rain to make sure they’re free of clogs and the downspouts are working.
2. Avoid costly roof repairs and extend its life
If you’re cleaning the gutters regularly, you’ve already taken the first step to preventing roof damage. Since replacing a roof is one of the most expensive home maintenance costs, you want to do everything you can to add years to its life. Not to mention the fact that your roof is a critical line of defense from high winds and rain for your home, and your family. As a result, taking care of your roof is an important part of disaster preparedness.:
- Keep your gutters clean.
- Inspect your roof visually -- check for debris, missing or damaged shingles, and signs of moss, fungus or algae.
- Keep nearby trees trimmed -- nothing should be touching your roof.
- Use a leaf blower to remove leaves and debris from the roof.
- Replace missing or damaged shingles immediately.
- Get your roof professionally inspected periodically.
- Seal cracked mortar or caulking around joints, chimneys, and skylights.
3. Stay on top of tree-trimming needs
Don’t wait for a dangerous storm forecast to call a tree-trimming service. Trees with dead or diseased branches can cause significant risks of property damage or personal injury. Regular pruning and tree trimming will also help keep your beautiful trees healthy and extend longevity.
4. Get an HVAC tune-up
Wondering if those regular HVAC tune-ups are worth it? You betcha, if you want to avoid costly breakdowns in the middle of a simmering heat wave or freezing cold spell. Besides keeping you comfortable, avoiding delays, and paying top dollar for emergency repairs, annual or twice-a-year HVAC system maintenance can help reduce energy costs and extend equipment life. Clogged HVAC lines can also lead to leaks, causing ceiling damage. Yikes!
5. Prevent home fires: Clean out the dryer vent
According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), there are 2,900 home clothes dryer fires reported every year, causing an estimated five deaths, 100 injuries and $35 million in property loss. Cleaning out the lint filter after every laundry load isn’t enough. The dryer vent leading to the outside should be cleaned annually to ensure it’s not clogged. While the USFA recommends hiring a professional for about $150-200 to do the job, this is a fairly simple DIY project as long as the vent is on the ground floor.
6. Declutter and organize your garage
Cleaning out your garage will help you protect what is probably your second biggest investment after your home: Your car. If your garage is too full of stuff to fit your car inside, that means it will be exposed to the elements and greater risks of theft outside. Sun, snow, and debris can wreck your car’s appearance, which will cost you in resale value. A well-organized garage will also help you keep up with your other home maintenance chores on this list. It’s hard to get things done when you can’t find the right tools!
Bottom line, home maintenance is a must! Whether you’re a new homeowner, or just feeling overwhelmed, we hope this list helps motivate you to take on these home maintenance tasks. Like any kind of prevention, it may not be a ton of fun, but it’s so much better than dealing with the consequences of letting things go. Plus, the better you take care of your home, the more you’ll be able to enjoy it. And, as always, there is no shame in asking for help!! And, frankly, depending on your age, you shouldn’t be on a ladder!!

The Answers to the Most Common “What If” Questions we get in Insurance.:
provided by Melissa Jones, Insurance Agent and Owner: Norton Insurance Agency
I know many people think that insurance is a dull industry. At times when consumed by paperwork, I think
the same thing. But the truth is insurance revolves around drama. Every day our agents are dealing with
weird situations and scenarios, trying to protect and advocate all the “what if” situations that come our way.
This month we’ll explore the most common “what if” scenarios that we get asked. We’ll focus on home this
month and auto and business next month.
The simplest answer to all of these is “its complicated”. There are short and long answers to these, and the
preface is basically we can’t answer what if questions because every situation is different, the policy
coverage could be different even within the same carrier on the same policy type, and there are other
factors that come into consideration. So, in general, what my answers would be “here’s how this type of
situation might be resolved”.
What if…
1. A hurricane hits. How much will I pay…
Check your policy for a “wind deductible”. It’s often a percentage, meaning a percentage of the Dwelling
coverage (aka Coverage A. In reality, you probably won’t write a check, instead the insurance company
would just deduct $3000 from the claim payout amount.
Some policies have separate “Named Storm” and “Wind” deductibles. These deductibles distinguish
between hurricane/tropical storms and any other wind event, such as off-season storms or straight-line
wind which has been occurring more in recent years.
2. What if my neighbor’s insurance premium goes down…
The price is dependent on a lot more than just location, your personal insurance claim’s history at this or
any location may play a role, as well as coverage amounts/options selected, personal credit, differences in
construction or design.
If your neighbor’s insurance goes down and you have the same insurance company, there is a chance
yours may go down at renewal as well. Rates are applied very broadly over geographic areas, often by
3. My house loses power and all my food spoils…
Food spoilage is an optional coverage on many home insurance policies with limits usually $500 or less.
The cause of the power-outage will be the determining factor in getting coverage or not, it usually needs to
be a power-outage off-property.
4. I have to stay in a hotel during a remodel…
This coverage is triggered by an insured event causing your insured property to be uninhabitable for a time,
which means more than one coverage is coming into effect. There is a limit on the policy for the dollar
amount available for this coverage, it is up to you to allocate it between housing and extra expenses such
as travel, restaurants and added costs of the inconvenience.
5. My toilet overflows while I’m out of town…
Water damage is becoming more limited on more policies. Your policy may include a maximum coverage
limit for this type of damage in the $10,000 range so check the wording. Some policies are completely
excluding water damage now.
6. Neighbor’s tree falls on house or car, or a neighbor cuts down a tree that falls onto my shed…
Your car insurance may pay out, but you would likely pay your comprehensive deductible. Depending on
the situation, your auto insurance may subrogate against the property insurance for the neighbor.
7. My dog bites someone…
Many home insurance companies offer liability coverage for dog incidents. Typically, the person will see a
doctor and send you the bill, which could be turned over to the insurance company. You may pay a
deductible but often not.
It depends on the dog bread as some are excluded. There is usually a question on the application when
you acquire the insurance asking whether or not you have animals and what type. If you said no but then
later got a dog it could be a grey area of coverage.
8. A contractor working at my house injures themselves…
This will likely fall onto the contractor’s workers compensation insurance. It’s important to get proof of this
before allowing someone to work on your property because if they don’t have it, it may fall within your
medical coverage which is usually limited to $10,000 or less. Some policies may have exclusions for
professional workers under medical coverage on your policy.
9. I lose an expensive watch on vacation…
Many home policies offer worldwide coverage for personal items and items like watches could be
specifically listed on that policy for coverage. A deductible will likely apply. If the item is not specifically
listed on the policy a maximum limit will likely apply, often $1000 or less. Separate jewelry or collectibles
can be placed with a stand-alone insurance policy as well for better terms or lower deductibles
10. My rental property is empty for more than three months…
Most policies have a vacancy clause that severely limits coverage for things like vandalism, theft, spoilage,
mold, liability, or more if the property is not inhabited for a certain period, often 90 days. A contract with a
property manager may allow this to be waived if the property is being periodically inspected, often at
disclosed intervals such as weekly. Basically, an inspection restarts the clock.
11. If I start renting out my house…
This requires a completely different type of policy which will likely require the current policy to be cancelled
and obtaining a new one which allows for the rentals. If it is a secondary home and you allow friends and
family to stay at no charge then you would probably be ok without having to change anything.
12. I rent out my carriage house but not the main house…
The carriage house is usually included with the main dwelling on one policy. If you wish to rent it out it
would likely need to be removed from the homeowner’s policy and placed on a separate policy allowing for
rentals. If the main house is also used for rentals then you would just want to be sure to disclose the
number of families the property as a whole can be rented to at any one time.
13. My car runs into the house…
This is a tough one, there are clauses in many policies about insured vs. insured events. For example, if
your wife rear-ends you, there may not be coverage. At worst it could be denied completely, but since most
insurance companies don’t want the bad PR, they may still cover it. That would make it two separate
claims, one on home and one on auto, with two separate deductibles.
14. Squirrels destroy my roof or bed beds infest my rental property…
Unfortunately, the answer to both of these questions is the same. These scenarios aren’t covered under
normal circumstances as they are considered the responsibility of regular maintenance of the owner.
As agents, we’ve experienced all these scenarios. One of the benefits of having an agent with decades of
experience is knowing how to answer all these questions. Our agency has been here on the Emerald
Coast since the 1980’s so we’ve been through more than forty hurricane seasons and thousands of claims.
We’d be happy to put our knowledge to the test if you have any questions about your current policy or
potential policy.
provided by Melissa Jones, Insurance Agent and Owner: Norton Insurance Agency
I know many people think that insurance is a dull industry. At times when consumed by paperwork, I think
the same thing. But the truth is insurance revolves around drama. Every day our agents are dealing with
weird situations and scenarios, trying to protect and advocate all the “what if” situations that come our way.
This month we’ll explore the most common “what if” scenarios that we get asked. We’ll focus on home this
month and auto and business next month.
The simplest answer to all of these is “its complicated”. There are short and long answers to these, and the
preface is basically we can’t answer what if questions because every situation is different, the policy
coverage could be different even within the same carrier on the same policy type, and there are other
factors that come into consideration. So, in general, what my answers would be “here’s how this type of
situation might be resolved”.
What if…
1. A hurricane hits. How much will I pay…
Check your policy for a “wind deductible”. It’s often a percentage, meaning a percentage of the Dwelling
coverage (aka Coverage A. In reality, you probably won’t write a check, instead the insurance company
would just deduct $3000 from the claim payout amount.
Some policies have separate “Named Storm” and “Wind” deductibles. These deductibles distinguish
between hurricane/tropical storms and any other wind event, such as off-season storms or straight-line
wind which has been occurring more in recent years.
2. What if my neighbor’s insurance premium goes down…
The price is dependent on a lot more than just location, your personal insurance claim’s history at this or
any location may play a role, as well as coverage amounts/options selected, personal credit, differences in
construction or design.
If your neighbor’s insurance goes down and you have the same insurance company, there is a chance
yours may go down at renewal as well. Rates are applied very broadly over geographic areas, often by
3. My house loses power and all my food spoils…
Food spoilage is an optional coverage on many home insurance policies with limits usually $500 or less.
The cause of the power-outage will be the determining factor in getting coverage or not, it usually needs to
be a power-outage off-property.
4. I have to stay in a hotel during a remodel…
This coverage is triggered by an insured event causing your insured property to be uninhabitable for a time,
which means more than one coverage is coming into effect. There is a limit on the policy for the dollar
amount available for this coverage, it is up to you to allocate it between housing and extra expenses such
as travel, restaurants and added costs of the inconvenience.
5. My toilet overflows while I’m out of town…
Water damage is becoming more limited on more policies. Your policy may include a maximum coverage
limit for this type of damage in the $10,000 range so check the wording. Some policies are completely
excluding water damage now.
6. Neighbor’s tree falls on house or car, or a neighbor cuts down a tree that falls onto my shed…
Your car insurance may pay out, but you would likely pay your comprehensive deductible. Depending on
the situation, your auto insurance may subrogate against the property insurance for the neighbor.
7. My dog bites someone…
Many home insurance companies offer liability coverage for dog incidents. Typically, the person will see a
doctor and send you the bill, which could be turned over to the insurance company. You may pay a
deductible but often not.
It depends on the dog bread as some are excluded. There is usually a question on the application when
you acquire the insurance asking whether or not you have animals and what type. If you said no but then
later got a dog it could be a grey area of coverage.
8. A contractor working at my house injures themselves…
This will likely fall onto the contractor’s workers compensation insurance. It’s important to get proof of this
before allowing someone to work on your property because if they don’t have it, it may fall within your
medical coverage which is usually limited to $10,000 or less. Some policies may have exclusions for
professional workers under medical coverage on your policy.
9. I lose an expensive watch on vacation…
Many home policies offer worldwide coverage for personal items and items like watches could be
specifically listed on that policy for coverage. A deductible will likely apply. If the item is not specifically
listed on the policy a maximum limit will likely apply, often $1000 or less. Separate jewelry or collectibles
can be placed with a stand-alone insurance policy as well for better terms or lower deductibles
10. My rental property is empty for more than three months…
Most policies have a vacancy clause that severely limits coverage for things like vandalism, theft, spoilage,
mold, liability, or more if the property is not inhabited for a certain period, often 90 days. A contract with a
property manager may allow this to be waived if the property is being periodically inspected, often at
disclosed intervals such as weekly. Basically, an inspection restarts the clock.
11. If I start renting out my house…
This requires a completely different type of policy which will likely require the current policy to be cancelled
and obtaining a new one which allows for the rentals. If it is a secondary home and you allow friends and
family to stay at no charge then you would probably be ok without having to change anything.
12. I rent out my carriage house but not the main house…
The carriage house is usually included with the main dwelling on one policy. If you wish to rent it out it
would likely need to be removed from the homeowner’s policy and placed on a separate policy allowing for
rentals. If the main house is also used for rentals then you would just want to be sure to disclose the
number of families the property as a whole can be rented to at any one time.
13. My car runs into the house…
This is a tough one, there are clauses in many policies about insured vs. insured events. For example, if
your wife rear-ends you, there may not be coverage. At worst it could be denied completely, but since most
insurance companies don’t want the bad PR, they may still cover it. That would make it two separate
claims, one on home and one on auto, with two separate deductibles.
14. Squirrels destroy my roof or bed beds infest my rental property…
Unfortunately, the answer to both of these questions is the same. These scenarios aren’t covered under
normal circumstances as they are considered the responsibility of regular maintenance of the owner.
As agents, we’ve experienced all these scenarios. One of the benefits of having an agent with decades of
experience is knowing how to answer all these questions. Our agency has been here on the Emerald
Coast since the 1980’s so we’ve been through more than forty hurricane seasons and thousands of claims.
We’d be happy to put our knowledge to the test if you have any questions about your current policy or
potential policy.

Refresh Your Space For Spring:
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Are you trying to decide which countertop surface is best for your home? Countertops are typically, the
primary work surface in your kitchen and are a vital component of a functional kitchen. Countertops are
also often used as a focal point in the kitchen which is another reason why purchasing the right type of
countertop is so important.
Here’s what you should consider while searching for durable countertop materials:
Stain resistance
Heat resistance
Scratch & chip resistance
Easy maintenance
Below is a list of the most common types of countertops that are currently being used in most homes.
Butcher Block
Solid Surface Material
The cost of countertops can vary based on the material you select. Aside from the cost of material, here
are other factors that will affect the cost of our new countertops.
Installation and Labor
Custom countertop shapes and finished edges
Thickness of countertop material
Removal of existing countertops
Hopefully, the above information can help you to plan, budget and select the countertop that will bring
you years of use and enjoyment.
If you’re unsure of what countertop is best for your home, feel free to contact us at (850) 904-6622 to
schedule a consultation. We’ve partnered with experienced vendors and installers to help make your
new kitchen come together seamlessly.
Coastal Design by Kim is a full-service interior design company. Regardless of the size of your project,
our team can help YOU bring beautiful, functional designs to life.
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Are you trying to decide which countertop surface is best for your home? Countertops are typically, the
primary work surface in your kitchen and are a vital component of a functional kitchen. Countertops are
also often used as a focal point in the kitchen which is another reason why purchasing the right type of
countertop is so important.
Here’s what you should consider while searching for durable countertop materials:
Stain resistance
Heat resistance
Scratch & chip resistance
Easy maintenance
Below is a list of the most common types of countertops that are currently being used in most homes.
Butcher Block
Solid Surface Material
The cost of countertops can vary based on the material you select. Aside from the cost of material, here
are other factors that will affect the cost of our new countertops.
Installation and Labor
Custom countertop shapes and finished edges
Thickness of countertop material
Removal of existing countertops
Hopefully, the above information can help you to plan, budget and select the countertop that will bring
you years of use and enjoyment.
If you’re unsure of what countertop is best for your home, feel free to contact us at (850) 904-6622 to
schedule a consultation. We’ve partnered with experienced vendors and installers to help make your
new kitchen come together seamlessly.
Coastal Design by Kim is a full-service interior design company. Regardless of the size of your project,
our team can help YOU bring beautiful, functional designs to life.

Travel & Day Trips Around Florida
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!

Volunteer Opportunites: Posted from the Destin City website at Volunteer Opportunities | Destin, FL - Official Website (
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Okaloosa County Master Gardeners: Facebook page
If you want to know what to plant and when, check out this Planting calendar on the OCMGA website. |

Christian Corner: by Patricia Lee
Bible: Psalms - 150: 1-6
"Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!"
2 Chronicles 5:13
"And it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord), and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever,” the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud,"
Psalms 100 1-5
"A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations."
The Lord wants to hear your voice, so sing out! Consider starting your day with a song to The Lord. You may be surprised at just how much it lifts you up, besides just making Him happy. Music is the center of my world in a conglomerate of ways. It's healing factors are free and unlimited! Take advantage of it; listen and enjoy.
Bible: Psalms - 150: 1-6
"Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!"
2 Chronicles 5:13
"And it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord), and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever,” the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud,"
Psalms 100 1-5
"A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations."
The Lord wants to hear your voice, so sing out! Consider starting your day with a song to The Lord. You may be surprised at just how much it lifts you up, besides just making Him happy. Music is the center of my world in a conglomerate of ways. It's healing factors are free and unlimited! Take advantage of it; listen and enjoy.

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Newsletter Est. Dec. 2021