November 2023 Newsletter

A Note From The Publisher
Coming in December, look for lots more shopping discounts and specials which will be placed inside your newsletter cover letter. Stores will be listed right below the link you click to come directly to this page. It's all just in time for the gift giving season. You may sign-up to get your notification about this newsletter at the top of this page. You do need to be signed up, in order to see the shopping discounts.
Meanwhile, it is still November which is all about Thanksgiving. As some of you know, my daddy (yes, I still call him daddy) has Dementia/Alzheimer's and recently went to live in a VA (Veterans Association) facility. While it is a very trying, emotional time for my family, we all want to shout HALLELUJAH for these VA people. They are all truly angels sent from above. I cannot say enough good things about the employees. We could not ask for daddy to be treated any better and they are exceptionally good to my family and me, as well. It takes a special kind of human being to do what they do all day every single day. May God rein down His blessings on them for all the days of their lives!
I am also thankful for all of you and hope you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Don't forget to scroll all the way down and read the devotional called Christian Corner which anchors this newsletter. As always, I pray that it will help someone.
Personal Message:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 8,800+ members. If you own a local business and would like to advertise in our group or here in our newsletter, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
If you live in Destin proper, receive a freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Est. 2015 Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Creator: Est: October 2018
Coming in December, look for lots more shopping discounts and specials which will be placed inside your newsletter cover letter. Stores will be listed right below the link you click to come directly to this page. It's all just in time for the gift giving season. You may sign-up to get your notification about this newsletter at the top of this page. You do need to be signed up, in order to see the shopping discounts.
Meanwhile, it is still November which is all about Thanksgiving. As some of you know, my daddy (yes, I still call him daddy) has Dementia/Alzheimer's and recently went to live in a VA (Veterans Association) facility. While it is a very trying, emotional time for my family, we all want to shout HALLELUJAH for these VA people. They are all truly angels sent from above. I cannot say enough good things about the employees. We could not ask for daddy to be treated any better and they are exceptionally good to my family and me, as well. It takes a special kind of human being to do what they do all day every single day. May God rein down His blessings on them for all the days of their lives!
I am also thankful for all of you and hope you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Don't forget to scroll all the way down and read the devotional called Christian Corner which anchors this newsletter. As always, I pray that it will help someone.
Personal Message:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 8,800+ members. If you own a local business and would like to advertise in our group or here in our newsletter, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
If you live in Destin proper, receive a freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Est. 2015 Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Creator: Est: October 2018
If you are interested in being a sponsor or article contributor, contact Patricia: [email protected]

Freedom Life Compass Helps Addicts Take First Step to Recovery:
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Written by: Kenneth Books
Recovery from addiction is hard. Resources are limited and the lure of drugs and alcohol can be overwhelming. But there is a resource in our area that helps women break the cycle of addiction, get and stay sober and create a normal, fulfilling life for those who wish to be free.Freedom Life Compass is the brainchild of president and founder Stephanie Weidel, our hometown hero, whose early life was far from a Leave It to Beaver episode.
“I grew up in a drug house,” Stephanie says. “I fell into the lifestyle and started using at 11. Eventually, I became a high school dropout. I did a lot of things I’m not proud of.”
Her father was a drug dealer who later served time in prison for selling methamphetamine. Her mother was a drug addict, as was her brother, Rex.
At age 23, Stephanie found herself homeless. So she joined the Army, the only service that would accept her without a high school diploma.
“The Army was great,” she says. “It taught me discipline.” She spent 15 months in Iraq and when she came home, she learned her mother had become a born-again Christian. “I started attending Crosspoint church with my mom,” Stephanie said. It was then that “Jesus transformed my life.”
Today, the entire family is sober. Rex is the Executive Director of Project Hope Recovery Center Florida and Stephanie is the recovery minister at Crosspoint, Niceville.
To help her brother in his struggle to remain free of drugs, Stephanie started Freedom Life Compass. The organization, which opened its doors in April, grew into a ministry to help women caught in the same trap of addiction that Stephanie once was.
“Over the last five years, one of the biggest needs was transitional housing for women,” Stephanie says. “We saw a need for this place.”
She expressed that need at a meeting of Parakaleo (Greek for “Come alongside.) Among the listeners was Chris Shinnick, the pastor of Manna Church, which meets in Niceville High School. He gave Stephanie the use of a property on County Line Road in 2022, with a five-year lease. A large building contains a dormitory for recovering addicts, a kitchen, showers and an “emotional support cat.” Behind the building is a mobile home being set up for more clients – Freedom House Life Center.
Currently, two residents are staying there, both single women. “It’s transitional housing for women,” Stephanie says. “We’re helping anyone to take that first step.”
One of the residents has been incarcerated in the past, but now has a length of sobriety under her belt and is looking for an apartment. The other has mental issues. “We got her off the streets,” Stephanie said.
Part of the difficulty in setting up such an organization is the need for money. Because part of the requirements for help includes church attendance, no state or federal money is provided.
Crosspoint church had hosted a bazaar for 39 years. “They gave it over to us,” Stephanie says. This year’s Niceville Bazaar, supporting Freedom Life Compass, will take place Oct. 21 at the Niceville Mullet Fairgrounds between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Booths are $100 but are free for non-profits. Last year, the first that Freedom Life Compass sponsored the bazaar, more than 5,000 people attended the free event. Because of the City of Niceville’s grant of the grounds, Freedom Life Compass donates 5 percent of the proceeds to the city Fireworks Fund. It also donates 10 percent to another non-profit.
Recently, Freedom Life Compass hired Dave Glinka as Freedom House Manager to assist with re-entry programs. David, who spent 22 years in the Air Force as an Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) technician, learned several years ago that C.A.L.M House, an organization for mothers in need, was looking for a director. He interviewed but was not hired, although six months later, the director left and he got the job, which he held for two years. On July 31, he began his duties at Freedom Life Compass.
“I take care of day-to-day operations, resources and case management, Dave says. “I brought a lot of networks. I know a lot of people in Niceville.”
Volunteers are, of course, needed to provide transportation, lead devotions and help with events.
“Our vision is to help individuals coming out of life-controlling situations, such as trafficking, incarceration, homelessness, and addiction, find Christ-centered recovery and resources,” states Freedom Life Compass material. “We can help begin to break the cycle of addiction and dysfunction in their lives and, in turn, change the course of their families’ lives. Our Life Skills Center will provide job training, computer skills, administration training, and basic skills. Partnering with organizations in our community we will offer classes for financial management, business etiquette, dressing for success, and other essential skills needed to become a productive member of society.
To learn more, visit
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Written by: Kenneth Books
Recovery from addiction is hard. Resources are limited and the lure of drugs and alcohol can be overwhelming. But there is a resource in our area that helps women break the cycle of addiction, get and stay sober and create a normal, fulfilling life for those who wish to be free.Freedom Life Compass is the brainchild of president and founder Stephanie Weidel, our hometown hero, whose early life was far from a Leave It to Beaver episode.
“I grew up in a drug house,” Stephanie says. “I fell into the lifestyle and started using at 11. Eventually, I became a high school dropout. I did a lot of things I’m not proud of.”
Her father was a drug dealer who later served time in prison for selling methamphetamine. Her mother was a drug addict, as was her brother, Rex.
At age 23, Stephanie found herself homeless. So she joined the Army, the only service that would accept her without a high school diploma.
“The Army was great,” she says. “It taught me discipline.” She spent 15 months in Iraq and when she came home, she learned her mother had become a born-again Christian. “I started attending Crosspoint church with my mom,” Stephanie said. It was then that “Jesus transformed my life.”
Today, the entire family is sober. Rex is the Executive Director of Project Hope Recovery Center Florida and Stephanie is the recovery minister at Crosspoint, Niceville.
To help her brother in his struggle to remain free of drugs, Stephanie started Freedom Life Compass. The organization, which opened its doors in April, grew into a ministry to help women caught in the same trap of addiction that Stephanie once was.
“Over the last five years, one of the biggest needs was transitional housing for women,” Stephanie says. “We saw a need for this place.”
She expressed that need at a meeting of Parakaleo (Greek for “Come alongside.) Among the listeners was Chris Shinnick, the pastor of Manna Church, which meets in Niceville High School. He gave Stephanie the use of a property on County Line Road in 2022, with a five-year lease. A large building contains a dormitory for recovering addicts, a kitchen, showers and an “emotional support cat.” Behind the building is a mobile home being set up for more clients – Freedom House Life Center.
Currently, two residents are staying there, both single women. “It’s transitional housing for women,” Stephanie says. “We’re helping anyone to take that first step.”
One of the residents has been incarcerated in the past, but now has a length of sobriety under her belt and is looking for an apartment. The other has mental issues. “We got her off the streets,” Stephanie said.
Part of the difficulty in setting up such an organization is the need for money. Because part of the requirements for help includes church attendance, no state or federal money is provided.
Crosspoint church had hosted a bazaar for 39 years. “They gave it over to us,” Stephanie says. This year’s Niceville Bazaar, supporting Freedom Life Compass, will take place Oct. 21 at the Niceville Mullet Fairgrounds between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Booths are $100 but are free for non-profits. Last year, the first that Freedom Life Compass sponsored the bazaar, more than 5,000 people attended the free event. Because of the City of Niceville’s grant of the grounds, Freedom Life Compass donates 5 percent of the proceeds to the city Fireworks Fund. It also donates 10 percent to another non-profit.
Recently, Freedom Life Compass hired Dave Glinka as Freedom House Manager to assist with re-entry programs. David, who spent 22 years in the Air Force as an Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) technician, learned several years ago that C.A.L.M House, an organization for mothers in need, was looking for a director. He interviewed but was not hired, although six months later, the director left and he got the job, which he held for two years. On July 31, he began his duties at Freedom Life Compass.
“I take care of day-to-day operations, resources and case management, Dave says. “I brought a lot of networks. I know a lot of people in Niceville.”
Volunteers are, of course, needed to provide transportation, lead devotions and help with events.
“Our vision is to help individuals coming out of life-controlling situations, such as trafficking, incarceration, homelessness, and addiction, find Christ-centered recovery and resources,” states Freedom Life Compass material. “We can help begin to break the cycle of addiction and dysfunction in their lives and, in turn, change the course of their families’ lives. Our Life Skills Center will provide job training, computer skills, administration training, and basic skills. Partnering with organizations in our community we will offer classes for financial management, business etiquette, dressing for success, and other essential skills needed to become a productive member of society.
To learn more, visit

7 Safety Tips to Prevent Kitchen Fires This Thanksgiving Holiday:
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
The days leading to the Thanksgiving holiday are when most of us will spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing and cooking everything—from the glorious turkey, to potatoes, pumpkin pies, and any other side dishes and desserts that's part of our traditional feast.
And safety is still more important than ever, especially when it comes to kitchen fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking is the leading cause of residential fires in the U.S. And, more than three times the number of daily average house fires are reported on Thanksgiving day!!
Here are some important reminders to help protect your family and your property from kitchen fires:
1. Prep and clean your equipment.
Before you get excited about preparing any part of your Thanksgiving dinner, deep clean your oven, cooking appliances, and other equipment so they'll be free of crumbs or grease, especially if you’ve been cooking frequently. Also, make sure they are in good working condition before you use them.
2. Don't overload your outlets.
Overloading wall outlets or power strips, especially if you're using all of your kitchen appliances at once, is another recipe for electrical fire. We recommend using only one cord per receptacle outlet, so make sure you space things out. Also, look out for any frayed cords or bare wires, which could also present a fire hazard.
3. Make sure your smoke detectors and alarms are working.
Before you turn on the stove to boil the potatoes or fire up the oven to bake some of the pies, check all of your smoke detectors and alarms, even those not near the kitchen. Test each device and replace the batteries of those that are no longer working properly. By ensuring your smoke alarms are working properly, any potential fire hazard can be caught before flames break out.
4. Have your fireplace cleaned and inspected.
If you haven't done it yet, have your chimney cleaned to avoid any buildup that could cause fire when you light it up. Also, make sure you don’t keep anything flammable anywhere near the fireplace.
5. Never leave the kitchen unattended while you're cooking.
Unattended cooking is the leading cause of cooking fires and injuries. And because most cooking fires involve the kitchen stove, it's critical to never leave the kitchen while you’re cooking, especially if you’re frying or grilling food. If you are roasting, simmering, or baking something which could take quite some time, make sure to stay in the home, check on it frequently, and use a kitchen timer to keep track of the cooking time.
6. Keep flammable objects away from the stove, oven, and any other hot surfaces.
Keep any items that can easily catch fire—oven mitts, potholders, wooden utensils, hand towels, curtains, food packaging, etc—away from the stovetop, oven, or any other hot surfaces (including the area around the fireplace).
If you are using candles to add ambiance to your table setting, remember to keep them away from flammable objects, kids and pets at all times, and never leave them unattended.
7. Have a fire extinguisher nearby.
Store the fire extinguisher in a place that's easily accessible in the kitchen and/or dining area, but still far away from potential fire hazards. This way, you can easily reach them out in case a grease splatters on a hot burner or a candle was accidentally knocked over. Make sure you know how to properly use one and read the instructions and safety labels. Also, confirm the fire extinguisher’s expiration date so you’re guaranteed it’s not yet expired before starting your preparations for this year’s Thanksgiving menu.
Wishing you and yours a safe and very happy Thanksgiving… from our family to yours!
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
The days leading to the Thanksgiving holiday are when most of us will spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing and cooking everything—from the glorious turkey, to potatoes, pumpkin pies, and any other side dishes and desserts that's part of our traditional feast.
And safety is still more important than ever, especially when it comes to kitchen fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking is the leading cause of residential fires in the U.S. And, more than three times the number of daily average house fires are reported on Thanksgiving day!!
Here are some important reminders to help protect your family and your property from kitchen fires:
1. Prep and clean your equipment.
Before you get excited about preparing any part of your Thanksgiving dinner, deep clean your oven, cooking appliances, and other equipment so they'll be free of crumbs or grease, especially if you’ve been cooking frequently. Also, make sure they are in good working condition before you use them.
2. Don't overload your outlets.
Overloading wall outlets or power strips, especially if you're using all of your kitchen appliances at once, is another recipe for electrical fire. We recommend using only one cord per receptacle outlet, so make sure you space things out. Also, look out for any frayed cords or bare wires, which could also present a fire hazard.
3. Make sure your smoke detectors and alarms are working.
Before you turn on the stove to boil the potatoes or fire up the oven to bake some of the pies, check all of your smoke detectors and alarms, even those not near the kitchen. Test each device and replace the batteries of those that are no longer working properly. By ensuring your smoke alarms are working properly, any potential fire hazard can be caught before flames break out.
4. Have your fireplace cleaned and inspected.
If you haven't done it yet, have your chimney cleaned to avoid any buildup that could cause fire when you light it up. Also, make sure you don’t keep anything flammable anywhere near the fireplace.
5. Never leave the kitchen unattended while you're cooking.
Unattended cooking is the leading cause of cooking fires and injuries. And because most cooking fires involve the kitchen stove, it's critical to never leave the kitchen while you’re cooking, especially if you’re frying or grilling food. If you are roasting, simmering, or baking something which could take quite some time, make sure to stay in the home, check on it frequently, and use a kitchen timer to keep track of the cooking time.
6. Keep flammable objects away from the stove, oven, and any other hot surfaces.
Keep any items that can easily catch fire—oven mitts, potholders, wooden utensils, hand towels, curtains, food packaging, etc—away from the stovetop, oven, or any other hot surfaces (including the area around the fireplace).
If you are using candles to add ambiance to your table setting, remember to keep them away from flammable objects, kids and pets at all times, and never leave them unattended.
7. Have a fire extinguisher nearby.
Store the fire extinguisher in a place that's easily accessible in the kitchen and/or dining area, but still far away from potential fire hazards. This way, you can easily reach them out in case a grease splatters on a hot burner or a candle was accidentally knocked over. Make sure you know how to properly use one and read the instructions and safety labels. Also, confirm the fire extinguisher’s expiration date so you’re guaranteed it’s not yet expired before starting your preparations for this year’s Thanksgiving menu.
Wishing you and yours a safe and very happy Thanksgiving… from our family to yours!

Business Owners More Than Anyone, Need Life Insurance:
provided by Daniel Jones, Insurance Agent and Owner: Norton Insurance Agency
Our family’s recent experience with life insurance
The past three months our family has put to rest not just one, but two fathers. While both have been emotionally devastating, the financial impacts are very different. The first father, an insurance agent, had adequate life insurance funds to choose his type of burial and to make sure his surviving spouse is taken care of for many more years. The second father chose to be cremated and not have a service in order to save his family from additional financial stress. We don’t know yet if the second had any life insurance, but our family will shoulder the final expenses and are uncertain if his spouse will be able to afford their home without his additional income. In a time of mourning, our family would rather be focusing on remembering the individual than figuring out affordability of a burial and future house payments. As the Baby Boomer Generation is starting to pass away, we’ll be seeing more and more of this divide between those that were prepared and those that were not.
After witnessing the first-hand stress of after-life care, we feel it paramount for the small business owners in the area to have life insurance. Spare your family from having to deal with the financial burden and have a plan of how you’re going to take care of them in case something does happen to you or your business.
Life insurance is not just a personal matter. It’s also a business matter.
As a small business owner, you know how hard it is to run a successful enterprise. You have invested your time, money, and energy into building your business and providing for your family. But what if something happens to you? How will your business and family survive without you?
That’s why you need life insurance.
Life insurance is not just a personal matter, it’s a way to protect your business and family from the financial impact of your death.
With life insurance, you could:
We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that you face as an entrepreneur. We can help you find the best coverage for your business and personal situation. We work with a top-rated insurer and offer a variety of plans and options to suit your needs. Whether you need term life, whole life, universal life, or something else, we can help you compare quotes and benefits to find the best deal for you.
Don’t wait any longer. Secure your business and family today with life insurance.
provided by Daniel Jones, Insurance Agent and Owner: Norton Insurance Agency
Our family’s recent experience with life insurance
The past three months our family has put to rest not just one, but two fathers. While both have been emotionally devastating, the financial impacts are very different. The first father, an insurance agent, had adequate life insurance funds to choose his type of burial and to make sure his surviving spouse is taken care of for many more years. The second father chose to be cremated and not have a service in order to save his family from additional financial stress. We don’t know yet if the second had any life insurance, but our family will shoulder the final expenses and are uncertain if his spouse will be able to afford their home without his additional income. In a time of mourning, our family would rather be focusing on remembering the individual than figuring out affordability of a burial and future house payments. As the Baby Boomer Generation is starting to pass away, we’ll be seeing more and more of this divide between those that were prepared and those that were not.
After witnessing the first-hand stress of after-life care, we feel it paramount for the small business owners in the area to have life insurance. Spare your family from having to deal with the financial burden and have a plan of how you’re going to take care of them in case something does happen to you or your business.
Life insurance is not just a personal matter. It’s also a business matter.
As a small business owner, you know how hard it is to run a successful enterprise. You have invested your time, money, and energy into building your business and providing for your family. But what if something happens to you? How will your business and family survive without you?
That’s why you need life insurance.
Life insurance is not just a personal matter, it’s a way to protect your business and family from the financial impact of your death.
With life insurance, you could:
- Keep your business running and pay off any debts or taxes
- Provide income for your spouse and children and cover their living expenses
- Fund your children’s education and future goals
- Transfer your business ownership to your heirs or partners
- Leave a legacy for your family or a charity of your choice
We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that you face as an entrepreneur. We can help you find the best coverage for your business and personal situation. We work with a top-rated insurer and offer a variety of plans and options to suit your needs. Whether you need term life, whole life, universal life, or something else, we can help you compare quotes and benefits to find the best deal for you.
Don’t wait any longer. Secure your business and family today with life insurance.

10 Winter Resorts and Towns That Even Non-Skiers Will Love:
10 Best Winter Resorts And Towns For Non-Skiers | TravelAwaits - By: Allison Weston
Inside the article you will read details regarding these 10 resorts and towns.
1. Sun Valley Idaho
2. Jackson Hole, Wyoming
3. Breckenridge, Colorado
4. Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico
5. Stowe Mountain, Vermont
6. Boyne Mountain, Michigan
7. Telluride, Colorado
8. Park City, Utah
9. Aspen, Colorado
10. Cranmore Mountain, New Hampshire
10 Best Winter Resorts And Towns For Non-Skiers | TravelAwaits - By: Allison Weston
Inside the article you will read details regarding these 10 resorts and towns.
1. Sun Valley Idaho
2. Jackson Hole, Wyoming
3. Breckenridge, Colorado
4. Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico
5. Stowe Mountain, Vermont
6. Boyne Mountain, Michigan
7. Telluride, Colorado
8. Park City, Utah
9. Aspen, Colorado
10. Cranmore Mountain, New Hampshire

Designer Tips For Creating A Beautiful Thanksgiving Table:
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. If you’re anything like me, your brain is wrapped around
family and friends, a fabulous dinner, football and gratitude for our everyday pleasures. Dedicating a
season to “thankfulness” warms our soul, yet can be hectic at the same time.
Before your home is filled with loquacious company, football cheers and kids bouncing about, lets talk
about setting the table. Decorating your table in advance allows you to check a box on your list and
gives you time to gather everything you need for a WOW factor. Nothing says welcome like a
beautiful table setting.
KEEP IT SIMPLE: Most Thanksgiving memories are spent around the table with good conversation and
delectable eats. Create a low centerpiece so everyone can see one another around the table. Keeping
it simple and low can be very elegant but if your heart is set on a tall centerpiece, try using a glass vase
to create an open feel.
COLOR SCHEME: Yes, it’s autumn but you don’t have to use the traditional fall colors. We live near
the Gulf and it’s perfectly okay to embrace a coastal theme. You can utilize natural elements with a
neutral color scheme by selecting “white pumpkins” with simple vintage maritime items and shells.
You can add splashes of corals and blue hues to add a pop of color to your table. Metallic pops work,
MIX & MATCH YOUR PATTERNS: Do you have multiple sets of dishes? Mix & Match them to create
an eclectic look. You can use your traditional china and combine them with your everyday dishes to
create a contrast. It will allow you twice the amount of table settings and creates a unique look.
KIDS TABLE: If you’re lucky enough to have a kids table, make it a fun one! Keep them entertained by
storing crayons, stickers and other art supplies in empty cans you used to create your Thanksgiving
meal (like cranberries, corn and pumpkin). Use butcher paper for their tablecloth so they have a clean
slate to draw and color.
The above tips are simple and can be done ahead of time. Circle a day on the calendar so you can
create your table-scape early and enjoy your decorated space for a few days before opening the door
to your guests. Don’t stress, you’ve got this! It’ll be beautiful and your company will be delighted
with your clever decorating ideas. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Let’s eat!
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. If you’re anything like me, your brain is wrapped around
family and friends, a fabulous dinner, football and gratitude for our everyday pleasures. Dedicating a
season to “thankfulness” warms our soul, yet can be hectic at the same time.
Before your home is filled with loquacious company, football cheers and kids bouncing about, lets talk
about setting the table. Decorating your table in advance allows you to check a box on your list and
gives you time to gather everything you need for a WOW factor. Nothing says welcome like a
beautiful table setting.
KEEP IT SIMPLE: Most Thanksgiving memories are spent around the table with good conversation and
delectable eats. Create a low centerpiece so everyone can see one another around the table. Keeping
it simple and low can be very elegant but if your heart is set on a tall centerpiece, try using a glass vase
to create an open feel.
COLOR SCHEME: Yes, it’s autumn but you don’t have to use the traditional fall colors. We live near
the Gulf and it’s perfectly okay to embrace a coastal theme. You can utilize natural elements with a
neutral color scheme by selecting “white pumpkins” with simple vintage maritime items and shells.
You can add splashes of corals and blue hues to add a pop of color to your table. Metallic pops work,
MIX & MATCH YOUR PATTERNS: Do you have multiple sets of dishes? Mix & Match them to create
an eclectic look. You can use your traditional china and combine them with your everyday dishes to
create a contrast. It will allow you twice the amount of table settings and creates a unique look.
KIDS TABLE: If you’re lucky enough to have a kids table, make it a fun one! Keep them entertained by
storing crayons, stickers and other art supplies in empty cans you used to create your Thanksgiving
meal (like cranberries, corn and pumpkin). Use butcher paper for their tablecloth so they have a clean
slate to draw and color.
The above tips are simple and can be done ahead of time. Circle a day on the calendar so you can
create your table-scape early and enjoy your decorated space for a few days before opening the door
to your guests. Don’t stress, you’ve got this! It’ll be beautiful and your company will be delighted
with your clever decorating ideas. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. Let’s eat!

Travel & Day Trips Around Florida
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!

Volunteer Opportunites: Posted from the Destin City website at Volunteer Opportunities | Destin, FL - Official Website (
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Okaloosa County Master Gardeners: Facebook page
If you want to know what to plant and when, check out this Planting calendar on the OCMGA website. |

Christian Corner: by Patricia Lee
Ephesians 4:32:
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you."
Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you.”
1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The greatest lessons I ever learned were how to forgive those who purposely hurt me and how to sincerely pray for them. Discovering those two things was the most freeing moment of my life! When someone now wrongs me or speaks out against me I immediately receive an overwhelming peace from the Holy Spirit. I feel the Holy Spirit fill my heart, as I say a prayer for the haters or enemies. It is Father God's way of assuring me that He knows everything and it is all in His hands. Life is sweet!
Ephesians 4:32:
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you."
Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you.”
1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The greatest lessons I ever learned were how to forgive those who purposely hurt me and how to sincerely pray for them. Discovering those two things was the most freeing moment of my life! When someone now wrongs me or speaks out against me I immediately receive an overwhelming peace from the Holy Spirit. I feel the Holy Spirit fill my heart, as I say a prayer for the haters or enemies. It is Father God's way of assuring me that He knows everything and it is all in His hands. Life is sweet!

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Website Est. 2018
Newsletter Est. Dec. 2021