September 2023 Newsletter

A Note From The Publisher
How about that struggle to lose weight? It's a killer; especially if you are middle age or older and have let things go. I was a dancer/choreographer for 20 years, retiring from it several years ago. Staying in shape back in those days was easy. I was skinny with a flat stomach and lots of muscle. Fast forward to today and I am 64 years old constantly fighting the battle of the bulge.
One day, I decided I needed to get back in shape but I didn't want to do jumping jacks or likes thereof; so I set out to see what I could accomplish with just walking. When I say walking I mean a nice brisk, fairly fast paced walk. You can't just stroll along stopping to smell the flowers or if on the beach, pick up shells along the way. You need a good pace and for no less than at least 30 minutes. I started out at 15 minutes but quickly built up. In a little over 2 weeks time I had lost 5 lbs.. I did watch my diet but not to a large degree. I cut out sodas and snacking after midnight. I ate smaller portions at lunch and dinner and cut out sodas. Yes, there are things you need to do to help yourself toward your weight goal but when it comes to exercising, just simply walking can do wonders. Taking a nice, brisk walk every day has mental benefits, as well as physical. Give it a try. The first step is the hardest but you can do it! As always, you should first discuss with your doctor any plan to lose weight. He/she can help you create realistic goals and that is important for your success.
Personal Message:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 8,600+ members. If you own a local business and would like to advertise in our group or here in our newsletter, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
If you live in Destin proper, you receive the freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Creator: Est: October 2018
How about that struggle to lose weight? It's a killer; especially if you are middle age or older and have let things go. I was a dancer/choreographer for 20 years, retiring from it several years ago. Staying in shape back in those days was easy. I was skinny with a flat stomach and lots of muscle. Fast forward to today and I am 64 years old constantly fighting the battle of the bulge.
One day, I decided I needed to get back in shape but I didn't want to do jumping jacks or likes thereof; so I set out to see what I could accomplish with just walking. When I say walking I mean a nice brisk, fairly fast paced walk. You can't just stroll along stopping to smell the flowers or if on the beach, pick up shells along the way. You need a good pace and for no less than at least 30 minutes. I started out at 15 minutes but quickly built up. In a little over 2 weeks time I had lost 5 lbs.. I did watch my diet but not to a large degree. I cut out sodas and snacking after midnight. I ate smaller portions at lunch and dinner and cut out sodas. Yes, there are things you need to do to help yourself toward your weight goal but when it comes to exercising, just simply walking can do wonders. Taking a nice, brisk walk every day has mental benefits, as well as physical. Give it a try. The first step is the hardest but you can do it! As always, you should first discuss with your doctor any plan to lose weight. He/she can help you create realistic goals and that is important for your success.
Personal Message:
If you are a resident of the Destin or close surrounding area, I invite you to join our private locals Destinites Facebook group at with 8,600+ members. If you own a local business and would like to advertise in our group or here in our newsletter, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
If you live in Destin proper, you receive the freely distributed Destin Life newspaper. Please look for my article every month titled "Ask Destinites."
Palms 144: 1 & 2: From The Living Bible 1972 version
"Bless The Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield. "
Patricia Lee, Owner: Destinites, Inc. (TM)
Creator: Est: October 2018
If you are interested in being a sponsor or article contributor, contact Patricia: [email protected]

Meet our Hometown Hero Judah Claire Pierce:
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Note: It is always an honor to write about a Hometown Hero. For many, the word
hero brings a particular image or personality to mind. Yet, our heroes vary in age and are as
unique and special as the life they have lived and the inspiration they are for each of us. They
come from all walks of life, and their occupations, ambitions and accomplishments motivate us
to embrace our own life's challenges with determination and hope. As we listen to them share the
trials and triumphs of their life journey, our heart is awakened to the reality of exactly how
fragile and precious life is. The truths they communicate are a solemn reminder we should strive
daily to cherish every moment and celebrate the ones who make our life beautiful in every way.
Niceville local Judah Claire Pierce is one such non- assuming hero. Her story is one of
resilience, persistence, and zeal to maintain a sense of normalcy through soul-crushing pain.
At age 10, Judah Claire Pierce was enjoying a normal day at summer camp in the foothills of
Georgia. She happened to run barefoot down a hill full of big tree roots and fell, which resulted
in a minor fracture in her left foot. That was three years ago. “Little did I know that this
seemingly innocent act would lead me down a path I never could have imagined,” said Judah.
Her journey is one of relentless pain. Judah wakes up each day to a world filled with stabbing,
intense burning and crushing sensations—a chronic condition which Judah describes as “feeling
like I am being burned alive. No matter what I do, the pain persists relentlessly. It affects even
the simplest tasks like going to school, tidying my room or just trying to live a normal
life…making me feel as though I'm wearing a mask of happiness,” said Judah.
A seemingly minor injury, initially her condition left doctors bewildered as her suffering and
constantly enduring pain would not subside. Through a series of medical procedures and
intensive physical therapy, she received a life-altering diagnosis: Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome (CRPS), a neurological dysfunction that has left her with chronic, intense pain
throughout her body, changing the way she experiences the world.
Also known as the Suicide Disease, CRPS is a condition associated with the imbalance and
malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. “To put it simply, CRPS is one of the most
excruciatingly painful diseases known to humankind, surpassing even childbirth and amputation
on the McGill Pain Index,” said Judah’s parents, Blake and Candace Pierce.
Cited as one of the top 20 most painful conditions by, many cases occur after a
forceful trauma to an arm, a leg or sprained ankle amongst other triggers. At this time, it's not
well understood why these injuries trigger CRPS.
“It was a challenge to work with the doctors when Judah’s pain never matched her injury. She
would scream in pain,” Candace, Judah’s mom said. “As a mom, it’s so hard to watch your
daughter crying in pain every day, just trying to live her life and you can’t fix it,” said Candace.
“I have all these degrees in healthcare and had never seen this before.”
In the summer of 2022, the Pierces were led to enter a renowned CRPS program at the Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia where Judah was able to relearn how to walk and run barefoot, restoring
mobility to her left leg. “Unfortunately, unlike others who completed the program, my pain did
not go into remission and has only intensified since then,” said Judah.
Most children who suffer from CRPS end up in wheelchairs and eventually bedridden, “Yet,
Judah refuses to let this awful disease steal her childhood,” said her father, Blake. “Despite
countless challenges, she tries to face each new day with a smile and maintain a sense of
normalcy through the emotionally draining and physically relentless pain.”
“I believe it’s Judah’s faith that makes her so resilient,” said Candace. “She really relates to Paul
in the Bible where Paul was given a thorn,” she said. “Therefore, so that I would not become
arrogant, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to trouble me—so that I
would not become arrogant. I asked the Lord three times about this, that it would depart from
me. But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in
me.” ~ 2 Corinthians 12: 7-9, New English Translation. “It’s that we all want it to go away; and
even though it sucks, it’s not the end,” said Candace.
Now almost 13, Judah is up for the challenge. She has achieved remarkable academic
accomplishments recently, including high grades at Okaloosa Stemm Academy, 1st Place in the
Regional Science Fair, State Science Fair Participant, Thermo Fisher Jr. Nominee, NASA Earth
Systems Science Project Award winner, regional History Project winner and state National
History Day participant.
Math is Judah’s favorite subject and she has completed one year of Cotillion, passed the
certification exam for Python, plays piano, violin and tennis, and is VP of Hope Squad. She
enjoys acting and singing and also leads worship for her church youth group.
Niceville is home where Blake is stationed at Hurlburt Field. Candace said Judah’s goal is to
graduate at the age of 15. She is considering entering the aviation field, joining the military to fly
or pursue engineering.
But her pain has become more relentless and the Pierces are desperately seeking relief for their
daughter. “We recently discovered the Spero Clinic, a unique medical treatment center in
Arkansas which is a 12-week Neurologic Rehabilitation program that takes a different approach
to treating CRPS. This clinic has achieved remarkable success in putting CRPS patients from all
over the world into remission. Our goal is to get her in treatment after Christmas. But, because
CRPS is not well understood and is rare, insurance does not pay for her 3- to 4-month stay or the
treatment plan.”
So, Judah and her family are partnering with the Burning Limb Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit,
to raise money for her treatment at the Spero Clinic. You can help by contributing a tax-
deductible donation to the 501c3 fundraising account on Judah's behalf:
the-spero-clinic. You can also purchase a t-shirt Judah designed on her own at For more information on the
Spero Clinic, visit
“…the reality is that CRPS has consumed my life for the past three years,” said Judah. “It has
forced me to grow up faster than my peers, confronting challenges that no child should have to
face. Yet, in the midst of it all, I remain resilient and hopeful, believing that with your support, I
can conquer this pain and reclaim my childhood.”
Submitted by Lori Leath Smith, Publisher - Life Media, Inc. Destin Life community newspaper
Note: It is always an honor to write about a Hometown Hero. For many, the word
hero brings a particular image or personality to mind. Yet, our heroes vary in age and are as
unique and special as the life they have lived and the inspiration they are for each of us. They
come from all walks of life, and their occupations, ambitions and accomplishments motivate us
to embrace our own life's challenges with determination and hope. As we listen to them share the
trials and triumphs of their life journey, our heart is awakened to the reality of exactly how
fragile and precious life is. The truths they communicate are a solemn reminder we should strive
daily to cherish every moment and celebrate the ones who make our life beautiful in every way.
Niceville local Judah Claire Pierce is one such non- assuming hero. Her story is one of
resilience, persistence, and zeal to maintain a sense of normalcy through soul-crushing pain.
At age 10, Judah Claire Pierce was enjoying a normal day at summer camp in the foothills of
Georgia. She happened to run barefoot down a hill full of big tree roots and fell, which resulted
in a minor fracture in her left foot. That was three years ago. “Little did I know that this
seemingly innocent act would lead me down a path I never could have imagined,” said Judah.
Her journey is one of relentless pain. Judah wakes up each day to a world filled with stabbing,
intense burning and crushing sensations—a chronic condition which Judah describes as “feeling
like I am being burned alive. No matter what I do, the pain persists relentlessly. It affects even
the simplest tasks like going to school, tidying my room or just trying to live a normal
life…making me feel as though I'm wearing a mask of happiness,” said Judah.
A seemingly minor injury, initially her condition left doctors bewildered as her suffering and
constantly enduring pain would not subside. Through a series of medical procedures and
intensive physical therapy, she received a life-altering diagnosis: Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome (CRPS), a neurological dysfunction that has left her with chronic, intense pain
throughout her body, changing the way she experiences the world.
Also known as the Suicide Disease, CRPS is a condition associated with the imbalance and
malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. “To put it simply, CRPS is one of the most
excruciatingly painful diseases known to humankind, surpassing even childbirth and amputation
on the McGill Pain Index,” said Judah’s parents, Blake and Candace Pierce.
Cited as one of the top 20 most painful conditions by, many cases occur after a
forceful trauma to an arm, a leg or sprained ankle amongst other triggers. At this time, it's not
well understood why these injuries trigger CRPS.
“It was a challenge to work with the doctors when Judah’s pain never matched her injury. She
would scream in pain,” Candace, Judah’s mom said. “As a mom, it’s so hard to watch your
daughter crying in pain every day, just trying to live her life and you can’t fix it,” said Candace.
“I have all these degrees in healthcare and had never seen this before.”
In the summer of 2022, the Pierces were led to enter a renowned CRPS program at the Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia where Judah was able to relearn how to walk and run barefoot, restoring
mobility to her left leg. “Unfortunately, unlike others who completed the program, my pain did
not go into remission and has only intensified since then,” said Judah.
Most children who suffer from CRPS end up in wheelchairs and eventually bedridden, “Yet,
Judah refuses to let this awful disease steal her childhood,” said her father, Blake. “Despite
countless challenges, she tries to face each new day with a smile and maintain a sense of
normalcy through the emotionally draining and physically relentless pain.”
“I believe it’s Judah’s faith that makes her so resilient,” said Candace. “She really relates to Paul
in the Bible where Paul was given a thorn,” she said. “Therefore, so that I would not become
arrogant, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to trouble me—so that I
would not become arrogant. I asked the Lord three times about this, that it would depart from
me. But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in
me.” ~ 2 Corinthians 12: 7-9, New English Translation. “It’s that we all want it to go away; and
even though it sucks, it’s not the end,” said Candace.
Now almost 13, Judah is up for the challenge. She has achieved remarkable academic
accomplishments recently, including high grades at Okaloosa Stemm Academy, 1st Place in the
Regional Science Fair, State Science Fair Participant, Thermo Fisher Jr. Nominee, NASA Earth
Systems Science Project Award winner, regional History Project winner and state National
History Day participant.
Math is Judah’s favorite subject and she has completed one year of Cotillion, passed the
certification exam for Python, plays piano, violin and tennis, and is VP of Hope Squad. She
enjoys acting and singing and also leads worship for her church youth group.
Niceville is home where Blake is stationed at Hurlburt Field. Candace said Judah’s goal is to
graduate at the age of 15. She is considering entering the aviation field, joining the military to fly
or pursue engineering.
But her pain has become more relentless and the Pierces are desperately seeking relief for their
daughter. “We recently discovered the Spero Clinic, a unique medical treatment center in
Arkansas which is a 12-week Neurologic Rehabilitation program that takes a different approach
to treating CRPS. This clinic has achieved remarkable success in putting CRPS patients from all
over the world into remission. Our goal is to get her in treatment after Christmas. But, because
CRPS is not well understood and is rare, insurance does not pay for her 3- to 4-month stay or the
treatment plan.”
So, Judah and her family are partnering with the Burning Limb Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit,
to raise money for her treatment at the Spero Clinic. You can help by contributing a tax-
deductible donation to the 501c3 fundraising account on Judah's behalf:
the-spero-clinic. You can also purchase a t-shirt Judah designed on her own at For more information on the
Spero Clinic, visit
“…the reality is that CRPS has consumed my life for the past three years,” said Judah. “It has
forced me to grow up faster than my peers, confronting challenges that no child should have to
face. Yet, in the midst of it all, I remain resilient and hopeful, believing that with your support, I
can conquer this pain and reclaim my childhood.”

By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
• 2-week supply of medication
• Flashlight
• Battery-operated radio
• First aid kit
• Important documents (including your homeowners insurance info)
• Nonperishable foods
• Water (1 gallon per person)
• Pet supplies
• Solar-powered phone case
Download your complete disaster supply kit checklist from Florida Division of
Emergency Management.
#2 Maintain Your Swimming Pool
Florida pools are in use year-round, so it’s hard to find a perfect time for maintenance. If you have a
pool, you should do a thorough inspection at least once a year—and fall is as good a time as any.
Make sure to clean your pool thoroughly, including debris traps to prevent leaves or any rubbish
from building up and clogging your pool’s filtration system. Inspect ladders, handrails, diving boards,
and other pool equipment for loose parts or any deterioration.
Keep in mind some pool issues are difficult to spot if you’re not a professional. A certified expert can
check your pool’s plumbing and water pressure and identify leaks or drainage issues. They can also
check motors, pumps and electrical parts like lights and wires.
#3 Care for Your Yard
If you have trees or shrubs on your property, you should add trimming and pruning to your fall to-do
list. After hurricane season, there could be broken branches in your trees, which is why fall is the
perfect time to trim and prune them. You should remove any branches that could potentially damage
your home. Pruning dead branches also helps your trees’ overall health, making them more resistant
to storm damage in the future. And now that rainy season is over make sure you are watering and
fertilizing your grass.
#4 Make Exterior Repairs
Many Floridians mistakenly forget to inspect their house after hurricane season. The tiniest of storms
can cause damage to your home. Take a walk around your property and inspect your roof, siding,
and foundation. Look for any small gaps where critters could enter your home. The smallest crack
can welcome a ton of un-wanted guests into your home.
#5 Power Wash Windows and Siding
Consider power washing your windows and siding to improve your home’s appearance. The
fall provides more comfortable outdoor weather than the hot and humid months of July and
August. When done appropriately, a good power wash can banish health hazards like mold and
mildew. Power washing can also get rid of buildup and debris, giving your home a renewed look.
#6 Paint Your House
If you want to paint the exterior of your home, fall is a perfect time! It’s best to paint the outside of
your home when temperatures start to drop. Plus, there are fewer chances of rain, which can really
mess up a paint job. And your house will look its best for the upcoming holiday season.
#7 Check Your Alarms
Now is a great time to check your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms—and put in fresh
batteries. If you do not own a carbon monoxide detector, you should strongly consider purchasing
one—especially if you have oil or gas-burning appliances. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless
byproduct of burning oil or gas that can be deadly.
#8 Clean Your Grill
Now that temperatures are becoming more bearable, you’ll probably be using your grill more often.
Make sure it’s in tip-top shape! A dirty grill not only makes your food taste bad, but it also creates a
fire hazard. Remove all grease and fat build using a grill brush. Try and use a bristle-free brush
because bristles can easily break free and land on the grill, creating a possible choking hazard.
To prevent any other fire hazards, make sure your grill is in a location far away from your home or
shed. You should also check your propane grill’s gas tank hose for leaks before using it. Wash the
hose with a light soap and water solution. If there is a leak, gas will escape from cracks and form
new bubbles on the hose’s surface. Smaller bubbles indicate a minor leak, while larger bubbles
indicate a more significant leak. If this happens, turn your grill off and replace the hose.
Weather-wise, fall is the perfect time to give your Destin home a checkup. Staying on top of the little
things now can help you to avoid costly damages in the future. And, as always, if you need to a little
help with any of these items, the best place to look is the Destinites Local Business Directory!
And if you follow these fall home maintenance tips, your home will be running more efficiently for the
By Paul McArthur - Owner: Agape Home Pro
• 2-week supply of medication
• Flashlight
• Battery-operated radio
• First aid kit
• Important documents (including your homeowners insurance info)
• Nonperishable foods
• Water (1 gallon per person)
• Pet supplies
• Solar-powered phone case
Download your complete disaster supply kit checklist from Florida Division of
Emergency Management.
#2 Maintain Your Swimming Pool
Florida pools are in use year-round, so it’s hard to find a perfect time for maintenance. If you have a
pool, you should do a thorough inspection at least once a year—and fall is as good a time as any.
Make sure to clean your pool thoroughly, including debris traps to prevent leaves or any rubbish
from building up and clogging your pool’s filtration system. Inspect ladders, handrails, diving boards,
and other pool equipment for loose parts or any deterioration.
Keep in mind some pool issues are difficult to spot if you’re not a professional. A certified expert can
check your pool’s plumbing and water pressure and identify leaks or drainage issues. They can also
check motors, pumps and electrical parts like lights and wires.
#3 Care for Your Yard
If you have trees or shrubs on your property, you should add trimming and pruning to your fall to-do
list. After hurricane season, there could be broken branches in your trees, which is why fall is the
perfect time to trim and prune them. You should remove any branches that could potentially damage
your home. Pruning dead branches also helps your trees’ overall health, making them more resistant
to storm damage in the future. And now that rainy season is over make sure you are watering and
fertilizing your grass.
#4 Make Exterior Repairs
Many Floridians mistakenly forget to inspect their house after hurricane season. The tiniest of storms
can cause damage to your home. Take a walk around your property and inspect your roof, siding,
and foundation. Look for any small gaps where critters could enter your home. The smallest crack
can welcome a ton of un-wanted guests into your home.
#5 Power Wash Windows and Siding
Consider power washing your windows and siding to improve your home’s appearance. The
fall provides more comfortable outdoor weather than the hot and humid months of July and
August. When done appropriately, a good power wash can banish health hazards like mold and
mildew. Power washing can also get rid of buildup and debris, giving your home a renewed look.
#6 Paint Your House
If you want to paint the exterior of your home, fall is a perfect time! It’s best to paint the outside of
your home when temperatures start to drop. Plus, there are fewer chances of rain, which can really
mess up a paint job. And your house will look its best for the upcoming holiday season.
#7 Check Your Alarms
Now is a great time to check your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms—and put in fresh
batteries. If you do not own a carbon monoxide detector, you should strongly consider purchasing
one—especially if you have oil or gas-burning appliances. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless
byproduct of burning oil or gas that can be deadly.
#8 Clean Your Grill
Now that temperatures are becoming more bearable, you’ll probably be using your grill more often.
Make sure it’s in tip-top shape! A dirty grill not only makes your food taste bad, but it also creates a
fire hazard. Remove all grease and fat build using a grill brush. Try and use a bristle-free brush
because bristles can easily break free and land on the grill, creating a possible choking hazard.
To prevent any other fire hazards, make sure your grill is in a location far away from your home or
shed. You should also check your propane grill’s gas tank hose for leaks before using it. Wash the
hose with a light soap and water solution. If there is a leak, gas will escape from cracks and form
new bubbles on the hose’s surface. Smaller bubbles indicate a minor leak, while larger bubbles
indicate a more significant leak. If this happens, turn your grill off and replace the hose.
Weather-wise, fall is the perfect time to give your Destin home a checkup. Staying on top of the little
things now can help you to avoid costly damages in the future. And, as always, if you need to a little
help with any of these items, the best place to look is the Destinites Local Business Directory!
And if you follow these fall home maintenance tips, your home will be running more efficiently for the

4 Tips to Navigating Tragedy as a Business Owner:
provided by Daniel Jones, Insurance Agent and Owner: Norton Insurance Agency
Our office staff have been together for decades now. We’ve been there for each other while raising kids and now while we’re facing some harsher realities of aging. In the past few years, together we’ve seen the loss of parents, cancer battles, heart attacks, and untimely death of close friends. We are shaken yet we persist in developing our business and moving forward. If you haven’t encountered many tragedies while being a business owner, we hope that continues, but we wanted to share things that have helped us keep moving forward in difficult times.
Having these systems in place before-hand has made all the difference in not just running our business during difficult times but has allowed us to focus on what matters most: our family. We are relieved instead of stressed knowing that our staff can be entrusted to maintain the course. So while things are going good, prepare for the unfortunate times and you can have more good times ahead.
provided by Daniel Jones, Insurance Agent and Owner: Norton Insurance Agency
Our office staff have been together for decades now. We’ve been there for each other while raising kids and now while we’re facing some harsher realities of aging. In the past few years, together we’ve seen the loss of parents, cancer battles, heart attacks, and untimely death of close friends. We are shaken yet we persist in developing our business and moving forward. If you haven’t encountered many tragedies while being a business owner, we hope that continues, but we wanted to share things that have helped us keep moving forward in difficult times.
- Adequate Staffing
- Positive culture
- Effective protocol
- Insurance
Having these systems in place before-hand has made all the difference in not just running our business during difficult times but has allowed us to focus on what matters most: our family. We are relieved instead of stressed knowing that our staff can be entrusted to maintain the course. So while things are going good, prepare for the unfortunate times and you can have more good times ahead.

Travel Packing Tidbits and Must Haves:
by Jessica Fricke Independent Travel Advisor with Travelmation
I hear it time and time again – packing is the most stressful part of a trip! As someone who considers myself a “professional packer,” let me share with you some of my most useful tips and travel items.
First, and perhaps most importantly, ALWAYS make sure that you keep all of your important documents and prescription medications with you at all times. Passports, credit cards, eye glasses, and prescription or needed medications should be kept in a carry on bag and never checked when flying or cruising. Another tip is to make copies of your passport and identification documents that you keep on your phone (securely) when traveling, just in case something happens to your original during your trip. Keeping your credit cards stored within Apple Pay is also a good idea. It may seem unlikely, but during a recent resort fire in Mexico, guests were required to immediately evacuate during the late night hours and not allowed back into their rooms for several days. For those who had their passports and credit cards locked in their room safes, they were left without those necessary items in the interim.
Packing Cubes! If I could pick on one “travel must have,” it would be packing cubes. These are a lifesaver for packing and unpacking, especially with kids! We literally pull them out of the suitcase and put them into the drawer when we arrive in destination.
These are my personal favorite:
Charging Station! If you are anything like my own family, there are many (many!) devices that you need to keep charged during trips. A charging station is so helpful for charging everything at once, while only needing to use one outlet (super helpful in those situations where outlets are limited already).
This is the one we use:
Over the Door Organizer! This one may sound silly, but hear me out. Have you ever stayed somewhere where the bathroom counter space is limited or non-existent? Here is your solution! Need a way to keep the daily clothing organized? It is great for that too! We take a couple with us everywhere.
We love this one:
Apple Airtags! These amazing little devices are an awesome form of security when traveling. We place one in each suitcase until arrival, so that we would be able to track it, if needed. When visiting theme parks, we keep them in our backpacks and stroller, just in case. If you have a child where elopement is a concern in a large setting, you can even place an Airtag on a necklace or bracelet.
Find them here:
Collapsible Bags! I love taking these with us when traveling for so many reasons. Heading out shopping for souvenirs? Need a beach bag? Somewhere to stick dirty laundry? Temporary diaper bag? Collapsible bags work for all of these situations and so much more. They are a staple for our trips.
Something like this:
As we head into the summer travel season, I hope these little packing tips and suggestions are helpful for you. If you are ready to travel and do not have plans yet, I would love to help you!
by Jessica Fricke Independent Travel Advisor with Travelmation
I hear it time and time again – packing is the most stressful part of a trip! As someone who considers myself a “professional packer,” let me share with you some of my most useful tips and travel items.
First, and perhaps most importantly, ALWAYS make sure that you keep all of your important documents and prescription medications with you at all times. Passports, credit cards, eye glasses, and prescription or needed medications should be kept in a carry on bag and never checked when flying or cruising. Another tip is to make copies of your passport and identification documents that you keep on your phone (securely) when traveling, just in case something happens to your original during your trip. Keeping your credit cards stored within Apple Pay is also a good idea. It may seem unlikely, but during a recent resort fire in Mexico, guests were required to immediately evacuate during the late night hours and not allowed back into their rooms for several days. For those who had their passports and credit cards locked in their room safes, they were left without those necessary items in the interim.
Packing Cubes! If I could pick on one “travel must have,” it would be packing cubes. These are a lifesaver for packing and unpacking, especially with kids! We literally pull them out of the suitcase and put them into the drawer when we arrive in destination.
These are my personal favorite:
Charging Station! If you are anything like my own family, there are many (many!) devices that you need to keep charged during trips. A charging station is so helpful for charging everything at once, while only needing to use one outlet (super helpful in those situations where outlets are limited already).
This is the one we use:
Over the Door Organizer! This one may sound silly, but hear me out. Have you ever stayed somewhere where the bathroom counter space is limited or non-existent? Here is your solution! Need a way to keep the daily clothing organized? It is great for that too! We take a couple with us everywhere.
We love this one:
Apple Airtags! These amazing little devices are an awesome form of security when traveling. We place one in each suitcase until arrival, so that we would be able to track it, if needed. When visiting theme parks, we keep them in our backpacks and stroller, just in case. If you have a child where elopement is a concern in a large setting, you can even place an Airtag on a necklace or bracelet.
Find them here:
Collapsible Bags! I love taking these with us when traveling for so many reasons. Heading out shopping for souvenirs? Need a beach bag? Somewhere to stick dirty laundry? Temporary diaper bag? Collapsible bags work for all of these situations and so much more. They are a staple for our trips.
Something like this:
As we head into the summer travel season, I hope these little packing tips and suggestions are helpful for you. If you are ready to travel and do not have plans yet, I would love to help you!

Renovation Season Is Upon Us:
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Now is the time to start planning your home improvements! The busy tourism season is winding down and it’s a perfect time to bring those renovation plans that you’ve been dreaming of to life. I highly recommend
you schedule an appointment to meet with an interior designer, contractor and any other vendor sooner than later. If you have a Short Term Rental (STR), time is of the essence. If you’re a year round resident and want to
get projects done before the holidays, time is of the essence for you too.
Fast, cheap and I can start Monday is a big RED Flag. If you’re dealing with a new vendor and he or she can fit you in tomorrow, be weary. Many of the reputable vendors in our area are booked out a month or more. The
old adage of “you pay for what you get” is not a lie. Choose wisely. My recommendation is to get your vendors in place, select and order materials, including fixtures ahead of time. When materials are on site, it
helps move the project forward quickly. Coastal Design by Kim can help you secure the right vendors and select all of your project materials. If you’re out of town and need a Project Manager, we can assist you with that too. Contact us today at (850) 904-
by Kim Schneider owner: Home - Coastal Design by Kim
Now is the time to start planning your home improvements! The busy tourism season is winding down and it’s a perfect time to bring those renovation plans that you’ve been dreaming of to life. I highly recommend
you schedule an appointment to meet with an interior designer, contractor and any other vendor sooner than later. If you have a Short Term Rental (STR), time is of the essence. If you’re a year round resident and want to
get projects done before the holidays, time is of the essence for you too.
Fast, cheap and I can start Monday is a big RED Flag. If you’re dealing with a new vendor and he or she can fit you in tomorrow, be weary. Many of the reputable vendors in our area are booked out a month or more. The
old adage of “you pay for what you get” is not a lie. Choose wisely. My recommendation is to get your vendors in place, select and order materials, including fixtures ahead of time. When materials are on site, it
helps move the project forward quickly. Coastal Design by Kim can help you secure the right vendors and select all of your project materials. If you’re out of town and need a Project Manager, we can assist you with that too. Contact us today at (850) 904-

Travel & Day Trips Around Florida
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!
There is a website you might enjoy called, Florida Back Roads Travel. Here is a link to one of their pages where you can find day trips by theme; for example: amusment parks. Check it out!
Check It Out!
Self Defense

Volunteer Opportunites: Posted from the Destin City website at Volunteer Opportunities | Destin, FL - Official Website (
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Volunteer Opportunities City Boards/Committees (details)
Okaloosa County Master Gardeners: Facebook page
If you want to know what to plant and when, check out this Planting calendar on the OCMGA website. |

Christian Corner: by Patricia Lee
Acts - 1: 8 From The Living Bible 1972 version
"But, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection."
If you have been feeling a tug at your soul, to spread the word of God, that is the Father, himself, nudging at you. And, if He is encouraging you to move forward, then what is there to be afraid of with Him by your side? Step out in confidence because He will be right by your side. Show Him your faith and watch what wonderful things He has in store for you just fall into place. He would never lead you to do something for Him and then abandon you. Do what you feel God calling you to do. Make Him happy and proud of you by moving forward in confidence. Your blessings will be abundant!
Acts - 1: 8 From The Living Bible 1972 version
"But, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection."
If you have been feeling a tug at your soul, to spread the word of God, that is the Father, himself, nudging at you. And, if He is encouraging you to move forward, then what is there to be afraid of with Him by your side? Step out in confidence because He will be right by your side. Show Him your faith and watch what wonderful things He has in store for you just fall into place. He would never lead you to do something for Him and then abandon you. Do what you feel God calling you to do. Make Him happy and proud of you by moving forward in confidence. Your blessings will be abundant!

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Website Est. 2018
Newsletter Est. Dec. 2021